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FMP Files French Municipal Files

This small collection of files can be found in Roll 63

Box Roll File Folder Title/Contents Link Tags Date Notes Pages
118 63 1 Vertinsky Alexandre
118 - 2 Bulmer J-E Duelle J. Ifland
118 - 3 “American Lloyd”
118 - 4 Election du nouveau de I“ Association des Jewesses Sovietique” a Shanghai
118 - 5 Moscow Bank Shanghai
118 - 6 Declaration du General F. L. Gleboff
118 - 7 Revue Hebdomadaire Russe “My Journal”
118 - 8 Monsieur Li Yu Ying - Bibliotheque Sino-Internationale de Geneve
118 - 9 Ann Cbang Han
118 - 10 Liste des associations Sovietiques installees a Shanghai
118 - 11 List of Soviet diplomatic and consular personnel in China
118 - 12 Ex-employees of the Shanghai branch of the United Petroleum Trust of the U.S.S.R.
118 - 13 List of Soviet organizations in Shanghai
118 - 14 Liste des passagers arrives le 25 Janvier 1937 a bord du vapeur Sever