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U Files Reports made 1940-1945 during the Japanese Occupation

These 73 files are found in Rolls 62-63 (62,63), along with 2 more found in individual files but not the index included below. Below links to 5 of the individual files are missing. Hopefully these can be located in the full Reels and linked here.

It is important to keep in mind that any claims in these documents must be viewed with great care. SMP police records are filled with stereotypes, rumor, gossip, slander, and unsubstantiated claims about the individuals it reports on.

When there are two links provided, links to the individual files on their own (as opposed to pages within the rolls) are often clearer images. However, sometimes the rolls include pages missing from the individual files so worth checking.

Individual SMPA Files Tagged as U Files

Box Roll File Folder Title/Contents Link Tags Date Notes Pages
116 62&63 4 Public buying rouble notes of czarist regime https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2506
1944-5 No discussion of rouble notes in second document, but rather of election of Russian Emigrants Committee heads. 40, 2, 37
116 62 34 Result of investigations re “Central Trust and Trading Co.” M.N. Lootsky, proprietor https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2523
116 62 57 Rodkin, A. Z. - chairman of Polish Aid Society https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2525
116 63 79 Visit to French police re census of Russian emigrants https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2531
116 62 80 Re 22 cases supporting gun cartridges https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2508
1943 Evidence that political prisoners have established connections with people outside the prison. File on Iosif Berisovitch Fainberg, b. Harbin 1913, file Joseph R. Laskowski, Polish b. Vladivostok, file Albert Rosenbaum, Polish arrested by Japanese, file Anna Rosenbaum, file Julian Lucian Koshmann, file Pevzner Jacov Alexandrovich Soviet citizen 4
116 62 89 Meeting of the Union of Russian Monarchists on 21-6-42 https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2497
117 62 140C R. Grutley alias R. H. Kehrwayn
117 62 196C Ionin, Joseph - now under accusation of forgery
117 62 208 Re political prisoners in S.M. gaol https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2519
117 62 221 Re letter submitted by Mr. Kahan, headmaster of Shanghai Jewish school https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2516
1943.3.6 Headmaster of the Shanghai Jewish School 544 Seymour Road for around 400 students. Program of entertainment for 1943.3.21, with Hebrew text. 13
117 62 223 Change of status of Mr. E. A. David https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2477
1943.2 Status of German versus German Jewish refugee. Attempt to obtain Axis resident certificate without “J” stamp. 3
117 62 224 Information re G. Kuchmar, Gabriel (alias George) Kuchmar https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2492
1943.3 Soviet passport, Jewish, works as driver, arrived from Tianjin 1936 7
117 62 225 The birthday celebration of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2529
1942 Annual election of Sikh National Society Dec 1942. List of officers. Annual meeting Feb 1943. Association established 1942.7.24. Dec 1943 meeting announcing the dissolution of the society as only one organization the Indian Independence league to remain. 14
117 62 226 Re Mr. Leonard T. Ivanoff https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2518
1943.3 Application for position in film censoring office. Russian by birth, German by education. Member of local German organisations. 4
117 62 227 Arrest of male Russian found in possession of a sum of $10,000.00 in Fapi https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2473
1943.3 3
117 62 228 Re two German Jewish refugees reported to be missing from Wayside District https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2521
1943 7
117 62 229 H. E. Duldner - Austrian Jew https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3305
Rich file containing information on many people beyond just Duldner 96
117 62 232 Georgy Fedorovich Horoshkoff-Kemerhoff https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2490
1943.3 Russian born Moscow. Educated Commercial School of M U Lermantoff in Moscow. Used to have Soviet passport, arrived Shanghai from Harbin 1937.5. Established “Little Book Store” at 1012 Av. Joffre dealing in old books and second hand articles. Supt. Kobayashi: he is “definitely engaged in subversive and political work.” Distributes old Soviet journals 11
117 62 233 Anna Semenovna Migulina, an undesirable element https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2471
1942.3 Drawing teacher, Russian emigre. Accusations about family. 2
117 62 234 Re attached communication from Heinz Glaser applying for a testimony of conduct https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2467
1943.3 Arrested on charge of misappropriation of two typewriters. Born to Jewish parents Breslau, Germany. 7, 29
117 62 235 Indian Sporting Association https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2515
1943.7 Listing of newly elected leaders under chairman Chanan Singh Sandhu 4
117 62 236 Rumours re sudden death of Mrs. V. Kolotinsky https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2526
1943.4.20 7
117 62 237 Erich Jacobrohn, Timon Reismann https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2485
1943.6 Stateless refugee 9
117 62 238 Carl A. Sanborn - Mrs. Allie Sanborn https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2475
1943.4 Three old girl Carol registered as American, taken to Swiss consulate and then St Joseph's Convent pending instructions from Japanese military authorities. Report on death of the mother, Dao Ai Lee (陶愛麗) from Suzhou, female Chinese married to an American James Gordon Sanborn due to burns 1943.3.25. Evening gown cuaght fire from electric heater. Husband in internment camp. 6
117 62 239 General personal inquiries - Julius Lesem Jewish affairs [Microfilm includes U241 and U243 in this case] https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2489
1943-5 Misc. files in Chinese, German, Japanese, English and unknown language. Includes information on censored speeches and poems, Includes lists. Wide variety of files on the Jewish community in wartime. 127
117 62 241 Gamdonthor Singh https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2488 1943.3 Sikh, arrived from India 1925, employed with Japanese ice factory in Hankow, left for India 1936, then back to Shanghai 1939 worked as watchman, then with police as watchman in general hospital. To Nanking in 1941 and back to Shanghai 1943, employed at Towa Iron Work as watchman. 2
117 62 242 Application to carry/keep firearms by Joseph Spalter https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3272
1943.1.29 3
117 62 243 Herman Hone Dr. Phil. H.C., to visit Dr. Gunther https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2491 1943.4.3 1
117 62 244 Activities of Mr. Suval https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2470
1943.4.6 Graduated Moslim College Pasnawar, India 1921. Arrived Shanghai 1926 formed Savul & Co. president of Indian Merchant Association. Head of local branch of Indian Independence League 2
117 62 343 Re departure of Puran Singh (Varana) https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2778
1943 Departures for Shonan (Singapore) of Indians to join the Indian National Army. Puran Singh reports contact with Rash Behari Bose in Tokyo. 3
117 63 344 Mr. W. Kaufmann [Microfilm header reads U334] https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3273
Hard to read 1
117 62 346 Alexander Georgievich Demishieff https://archive.org/details/smpa-62/page/n813/mode/2up 1943.10 Russian emigrant born in Crimea, co-habits with Yenkevitch L. I. Worked in metallurgical industry. 1920-1 to Harbin, to Shanghai 1931-2 worked witih Liddel Bros. “very wily man without any moral scruples” 2
117 62 347 List of Thai and Burmese nationals who came to register https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2495
1943.11 List of 10 Thai and Burmese who registered 1943.11.1-2 4
117 62 348 Carlos Hieper Encarnacao https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2476
1943.12 13
117 62 349 Detention of Ivan L. Kovalchuk-Meller https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2482
1943.11 Charge of attempted intimidation and impersonation. 22
117 63 352 Re Miss Alice Zlotnicki https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2517
1944.2.17 Report on upcoming marriage to Alexander Menczer. Finances 8
117 62 354 Activities of Miss Elsie Wong https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2469
1943.10 British educated Hong Kong born Chinese 5
117 63 419 Miss Helen Alexeyev Gourova https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2499
1944.1 Born Vladivostok, to Harbin 1922 until 1931, secretary at Import & Export firm, regsitered with the Russian Emigrants' Committee 3
117 63 420 The Shanghai Credit Corporation https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2530
1944.1 3
117 63 421 Daniloff, Viacheslav Viacheslavovich https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2479
1943.9 educated in Vladivostok, to Harbin 1922, Tianjin later. 1925 to Shanghai, graduated from “E Knige Phisical Culture Academy” worked as physical instructor then drummer. 1931 worked in Nagasaki as a musician then 1935 to Manila and 1933 in Hong Kong, 1927 in Hankow, Chefoo and Tsingtao. Musician until 1942, sisters are ballet dancers in the Philippines. “ardent White Russian” 2
117 63 422 Re registration of local residents - Irish https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2520
1944 Irish residents who still had British passports and were under protection of British consulate, upon re-registering received red bands for “enemy nationals” and after Eire Residents Association 1942.11, requested instead blue bands for “neutral” nationals but without result. A few with Irish passports received blue bands. 4
117 63 423 Re dispute over ownership of a piano https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2511
1942.11 3
117 63 426 Re arrest of one Joao Thomaz D’Aquino Collaco, Portuguese https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2510
1944.2 wanted on charge of breach of confidence, to be held pending trial in Portuguese court. 2
117 63 427 Mr. J. Pure requesting the issue of special passes to him and to members of his family https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2501
1944.1 “Prior to the incorporation of Latvia in the USSR on Aug 5 1940 Latvian interests in Shanghai were represented by the Finnish Consulate-Gemeral” J. Pure employed by consulate in capacity as secretary to look after these interests. Now he is stateless of Latvian origin as it is under German occupation. 4
117 63 428 [Document written in Russian - no translation] https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3274
1944.2 5
117 63 429 Mr. Salomon Arbeit https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2502
1944.2 Theft of pattern for furcoats “which are my invention and secret” 4
117 63 430 Re Indian marriage https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2514/ 1944.2 Charlotte Wgrzyn, daughter of polish refugees, married her employer Mr. Deman, who “enjoys a very good reputation.” 1944.2
117 63 431 Re Doctor K. V. I. Andersen, Dane https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2512
1944 Doctor using “electrical treatment” of the heart. 1943 request for pass, 1944 asking for special pass to be cancelled. 4
117 63 432 Dolgoff, Nikolai Sergeevich; Dolgoff, V.S.; and Sediakin, N.V.; antecedents and character https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2483
1944.11 Russian, lived in Manchuria 1920-25, moved to Japan until 1938 then to Shanghai and then to Japan again 1939. 1941 arrived again to Shanghai. Not registered with Russian Emigrants Committee 5
117 63 434 Re death of prisoners who were detained in the detention house https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2777
1944 Detention House at 285 Rue Massenet, then to Lokawei Station list of prisoners who died. 2
117 63 441 Manuscript by V. D. Jiganoff entitled “About Myself” https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2496
1944.2 Vladimir Danilovich Jiganoff, born Russia, served in Admiral Kolchak's White Army 1918-9. Worked in fisheries after war, arrested by bolsheviks 1925, sent to Vladivostok, made way to Shanghai 1925. 1939 book withi impressions of visiting Japan 1938-9 with high praise. 1940 in Shanghai registered “Shanghai Society for promotion of study of Nipponese language” as president, but existed on paper only. On text produced after outbreak of war with Germany criticising defeatism in war and Soviet regime. 11
117 63 463 Complaint against Vladimir Tatischef https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2478
1944.2.4 Failure to produce promised bags of sugar 2
117 63 473 Enquete sur Nicolas Ermolaeff
117 63 582 Mr. Emil Essig https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2776
1944.6 Swiss national warning him of threat from Alfonso Novarro, Fillipino. 4
117 63 583 Re house case between Mrs. Metzler and da Matta https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2513
1944.9 7
117 63 586 Knox, John Frederick, British subject - attempted suicide https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2493
1944 Exempt from internment due to full blindness following acid attack. 4
117 63 591 “Activities of Alexander Aleandrovich Boiko” https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2468 1944.10 2
? ? 592 Janaury 28 Incident - Activities https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2472
1941.1 (Not in List) Anniversary of 1932 Jan 28 incident details. 9
117 63 594 Russian Emigrants club https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2527
1944.10 Group of Russian Jews finance the club. Opening of club thanks to sympathetic view of Japanese military authorities. Opening of arts club 1943.1, accused of being a gambling den, and shut down. Reopened, details of gambling operations. List of individuals involved. Second file with clips. 13,,3
? ? 599 Park Hotel Unrest Among Discharged Employees https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2505 1942 (Not Listed) unrest among discharged employees. 6
117 63 619 Re alleged misappropriation of U.S.A. $45,000.00 and jewelry reported by a political prisoner, one named Albert Rosenbaum [Microfilm header reads U613] https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2509
117 63 621 Ribálov, Vera and Maria Ribálov https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2524
1944.12 Born Vladivostok, arrived in Shanghai from Harbin 1932. 2
117 63 623 Declaration of General Andrey Andreevich Vlasov distributed by German information service https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2480
1944.11 Former commander of 2nd Soviet army, captured by Germans in 1942. Now part of a “Russian liberation” movement and engaged in German radio propaganda. 5
117 63 624 Reference J. M. da’Silva D’Aquino and Maitland and Co., Ltd. https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2522
1944 2
117 63 625 Edeltrud Grunücke https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2484
1944.12 German female, consulate demands her passport. 4
117 63 626 Wladimir Sirkausoff [Microfilm header reads U636] https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2532
1944.12 employee of German Radio Station, White Russian 3
117 63 628 Dee Lay Juo criminal case https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2481
117 63 629 Complaint of E. Halpern https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3275
1944 2
117 63 631 Francisco Endaya https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2487
1944.11 “young boy of unsteady character” found guilty of theft vagrancy, Spanish citizen 2
117 63 632 Levald Verner, Danish https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2494
Danish employee of Greater Northern telegraph arrived 1928, then Rice Control Officer for SMC, chairman of Danish Reading Circle, married to Russian. 2
117 63 634 Michael Berezza, Russian emigrant https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2498
1944.12 Domestic strife 5
117 63 635 Moszepan Grigery Pakovich https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-2500
1945.3 request to the police to stop abusive behavior of M. Zimmermann 2
117 63 Stateless of Russian origin
117 63 636 History of Morris Gershekovitch, British https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3276
1944.12 British subject with Russian parents, born in Singapore, educated in Hong Kong and Singapore. Worked as reporter until 1935, worked for shipping concern Lee Bros in Swatow, eventually enlisted withi Shanghai municipal police 1940.11.11. Terminated service with SMP 1943.12 due to his nationality. 2
117 63 637 Inge Wolff https://archive.org/details/smpa-files-3277
1944.12 Adoption of German female Inge Wolff as daughter renamed Ting Gee Hwa 4

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