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D Files Reports of Special Branch between 1929-1949

Neary a hundred boxes of materials and some 60 out of 67 rolls of microfilm are dedicated to these materials, comprising the vast majority of files in the collection. Well over 100 pages of the NARA index to the collection lists the files for D files so building up the list of files for this on this page will take some time. This page will remain Under Construction.

It is important to keep in mind that any claims in these documents must be viewed with great care. SMP police records are filled with stereotypes, rumor, gossip, slander, and unsubstantiated claims about the individuals it reports on.

Individual SMPA Files Tagged as D Files

Box Roll File Folder Title/Contents Link Tags Date Notes Pages
1 1 1 Confession of Chulkoff
1 1 4 Intelligence report - political - Communists
1 1 5 Intelligence report - political - notables
1 1 6 Intelligence report - political - general situation (Jan. 28, 1929)
1 1 7 Reports concerning George Gresse
1 1 8 Special Branch Section organizations and work, 1929-1941. Covering index to file D.S. 1-25
1 1 8/1 Work of “A” Division (1929)
1 1 8/2 Work of “B” Division (1929)
1 1 8/3 Duties of J.C.D.I. Nakagawa and Japanese members of Special Branch
1 1 8/4 Duties of Russian members of C.I.D.
1 1 8/5 Work of S1 (Int. Liaison Sect.)
1 1 8/6 Work of S2 (Foreign Section)
1 1 8/7 Work of S3 and S5
1 1 8/8 Work of S4
1 1 8/9 New designations of sections at Hdqrs. Reorganization of Crime & Special Branch sections.
1 1 8/10 Spare copies of orders issued to sections under reorganization system
1 1 8/11 Memo issued by D.C. (Div.) and D.C. (Cr. & Sp. Br.) re cooperation between stations and Special Branch re raids etc. made in connection with political offenses
1 1 8/12 Police order re copies of all station reports on political matters to be forwarded to officers I/C Special Branch
1 1 8/13 Memo issued by officer I/C Special Branch calling for reports on work of sections of Special Branch
1 1 8/16 Additional Russian detective required by S2.
1 1 8/18 Duties of members of Cr. & Sp. Br. Registry. 7.5.31
1 1 8/20 Transfer of work pertaining to communistic activities from S1 to S2. 18.5.31
1 1 8/22 Instructions to members of Crime Branch, Hdqrs.
1 1 8/23 Special Branch offices, departmental transfers. Special Branch Registry segregated from Crime May 1, 1934
1 1 8/24 Boarding House Section of C.1 taken over by Special Branch, S2, from June 1, 1934
1 1 8/25 Addresses of foreign members of Special Branch
1 1 10 (C.I.D.) office notes - Foreign Section, Jan. 29, 1929
1 1 10 Arrest of Tsiang Hwa Tsao, alias Tsiang Tung Ydh, alias Kang Chang Ze, alias Bi Sho-Wan, Korean terrorist
1 1 11 Intelligence report - political - military - labour & translation of extracts from French police intelligence report
1 1 15 Memorandum from the police force. Municipal Council “Provisional Regulations” governing the issue of travelling. . .by the Local Bureau of Foreign Affairs
1 1 18 A. Orloff - application to SMC for employment - by P.C.S. Maklavevsky
1 1 19 A. L. Pecker - applicant to join SMP (Specials) - by Tcheremshansky
1 1 20 Intelligence report - political - anti-Japanese movement - labour 1, 2, 3 - Shanghai Municipal Police, Criminal Investigation Dept. report on strike.
1 1 22 Translation of extracts from French police intelligence reports.
1 1 28 Mr. Peter Kiemen - letters of criminal investigation
1 1 29 Shanghai Municipal Police reports - Mathias Zergel & Fania Karolich, V. I. Harlamoff Andreieff
1 1 30 Reports concerning Mr. Arthur R. Scott, February 1929
1 1 34 Shanghai Municipal report - suicide of Russian cadets
1 1 37 Suicide of Russian cadets Vasily Bespalkoff and Vladimir Kaigorodtzeff
1 1 38 Broadcast of transocean news service and commentary by K. A. Neubourg over station XHHB (photo)
1 1 39 Communistic literature and translation memo, January 1929
1 1 40 A. L. Altshuler, alias Ateshuler, Soviet agent
1 1 44 Arrest correspondence - various subjects Arrest of Mikhail Belitzky, accused of passport forgery
1 1 45 M. N. Ershoff, suspected spy
1 1 48 A. C. Bilan, Soviet employee, Mrs. A. C. Bilan, alias Alexandrof, Soviet agents
1 1 49 W. A. Kempshall, missing from HM cruiser Berwick
1 1 50 Shanghai Municipal Police - Central Station - British lady reported missing (Feb. 19, 1929)
2 1 51 I.O. Chinese Section station report on inflammatory literature order & despatch (Feb. 22, 1929)
2 1 57 Special Branch - S2 - report [on] Miss Virginia Cowper, visit to
2 1 62 Newspaper articles - Sentence on “Nick” Char
2 1 63 Central I.D. Section report [on] G. A. Spektor Arkadieff
2 1 64 Mission finds leper colony in Shanghai. (February - March 1929)
2 1 65 (C.I.D.) office notes - Mr. George A. Fitch “The Negro Worker” (Feb. 25, 1929)
1 1 67 D. Herviger, agent of German intelligence
1 1 68 Mrs. T. F. Boulgakova-Belsky, alias Boulgakova, member of GPU
1 1 69 Boris Butom, suspected Soviet agent
2 1 72 Translation of an article signed by Z. Voronina, “Union to Establish Justice on Earth”.
2 1 73 Communist literature in wrappers bearing name of one or other of the more prominent booksellers
2 1 74 Foreign Section C.I.D., Korean Meeting
2 1 75 (Confidential) - report on enquiries re No. 134 Sinza Road in connection with the report in the North China Daily News re the death of Mrs. Ciausing
2 1 76 (Confidential) report [on] Mar. A. W. Nash
2 1 77 Enquiries about Rolf Henkl and Robert Brzesowsky
2 1 78 Chinese newspaper Hai Pao (Mar. 6, 1929)
2 1 79 Provisional Court Order 1890
2 1 80 Enquiries about Rolf Henkl and Dr. R. F. Bayern Brzesowsky
2 1 81 Report on Yaroslav Formanek and Karel Tulka
2 1 82 Translation of extracts from French police intelligence reports, Mar. 25, 1929. Indecent cinema film attached.
2 1 83 Report on a substance supposed to be varnish
2 1 84 Re alleged outrage on Japanese girl by a preacher
2 1 85 A. S. Kleinerman & Moses Bogdotsky suspected Soviet agents. 25-4-34
2 1 86 Mrs. Conrad, applicant for position, C.I.D.
2 1 87 Report of pirates received through Mr. Skuse
2 1 87 Report on attached report by D. S. Barton - Mr. Skuse’s interview
2 1 88 Monthly report on foreign affairs
2 1 89 Communist literature - Mar. 21, 1929
2 1 91 Report on W. J. Tschernoff - Mar. 11, 1929
2 1 92 Enquiries re K. S. Park - Foreign Section, C.I.D.
2 1 93 Report on proposed new lottery company, Mar. 15, 1929
2 1 93 N. N. Petukhoff and H. E. Lanepart, in connection with new lottery company
2 1 94 Central Station - re molestation of Japanese women on the streets - Mar. 14, 1929
2 1 95 I.O. Chinese Station - indecent publications - Mar. 18, 1929
2 1 96 Central I.B. Station - O. M. Mayer alias C. M. Maur alias Matias - Mar. 12, 1929
2 1 97 Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland - San Francisco branch - financial center building - application for bond - Loo Chih Jen - Feb. 8, 1929
2 1 97 Letter from V. Grosse, chairman of the Russian Emigrants Committee
2 1 98 Enquiries re L. K. Kentwell re attached
2 1 98 Chinese Patriotic League
2 1 99 Letter to N. F. Allman, Consul General re Mexican penal code re Miss Alys Margaret Reid
2 1 101 Negotiations for arms for China - re Gen. Cohen (Morri A.)
2 1 102 C.I.D. file re D. S. Widdowson
2 1 103 I.O. Chinese Section - applicant for passport visas for Li Kou Tchang
2 1 104 Sinza Station - alleged communist quarters - May 23, 1929
2 1 106 Letter to the British Consulate General from M. D. Chen, re cases of Yang Ah Mau, wanted for shooting and murders at Sun Sun Co’s
2 2 106 Louza Station - report re attached letter re M. D. Chen
2 2 107 Chung Hua Steam Shipping Company - Apr. 19, 1929
2 2 108 I.O. Chinese Section - report on moving picture exhibition at the foreign YMCA Bubbling Well Road - Mar. 15, 1929
2 2 109 O. S. Malinovsky, suspected Soviet agent Search of South China University for communist literature
2 2 110 Search of South China University for communist literature
2 2 110 Police Advocates Office - re Brandt & Rodgers, Ltd., and Ta Lu University - that the property confiscated be retained by the police.
2 2 111 Translation of a manifesto issued by Chang Chung Chong exposing the atrocious acts committed by the national
2 2 114 Central Station - re attached telegram, missing Chinese girl
2 2 116 Letter re the safety of the Sitai Lake for shooting parties
2 2 117 I.O. Chinese Section - prohibited medicines. Translation - Shanghai Municipal Council, Mar. 15, 1929
2 2 118 Report - Panchishin Georgi Stepanovich photo enclosed
2 2 119 Central I.B. - report on Mr. Konstantin Eroshevich
2 2 120 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Rogdenov - Mar. 22, 1929
2 2 121 Letter re Georges Isaevitch Grigorieff, Mrs. Koletz - Mr. Pálma - Mr. & Mrs. S. Chambers and others
2 2 122 Report on Mr. Fontency and G. Constantini
2 2 123 Report on oriental Communists’ school
2 2 124 L. I. Berezin, GPU agent
2 2 125 Information laid by N. Shevchenko of the 2nd company Russian unit, S.V.C.
2 2 126 Letters - traffic violations & drug possession
2 2 126 Japanese marines injured by Italian in motor car accident
2 2 127 Report on Felix Bauer
2 2 128 Translation of despatch No. 841 to the Council from mayor of Yu Yao Hsien Chekiang - Mar. 26, 1929 - requesting arrest of Shao Ch'i-Zung
2 2 129 L. Guterman, suspected Soviet agent
2 2 130 (C.I.D.) office notes - German ship’s crew replaced by Chinese, alleged injustice
2 2 132 Report on ex-Nanking war prisoners - Mar. 25, 1929
2 2 133 Report on movements and activities of Carrol Lund, editor of the China Digest
2 2 134 Report on attached file No. I.O.D. 134, Mar. 26, 1929
2 2 135 Letter re Mr. Tang Chung Chak, Mar. 23
2 2 136 Handbills distributed in the French Concession, Mar. 25, 1929
2 2 137 Translation of a letter from the Public Safety Bureau to the Commissioner of Police requesting permission to allow 50 cadets in uniform but unarmed to visit the following places in the settlement. They will travel in motor cars (two motor lorries).
2 2 138 Mr. Chang Hsi-Yang alias Sih Yang
2 2 139 Enquiries re “Chu Yao Kwong”
2 2 140 National Christian Council and YMCA letter from Col. Halland, dated Mar. 26, 1929
2 2 141 Report on Mr. T. L. Shen, Mar. 30, 1929
2 2 142 Report on Mr. Ranold Graham Gorries
2 2 143 Report on anonymous letters received by L. R. Santos
2 2 144 Memorandum & translation of a dispatch from the 7th squad of the 2nd district of the Kiangsu Provincial Water Police to the Commissioner of Police, dated Mar. 29, 1929
2 2 145 Re alleged threatening letter received by a Japanese
2 2 146 Wireless sets and paraphernalia of the 4th Group Army found by Municipal Police at 24 D Tongshan Road on Mar. 30, 1929
2 2 147 Letters concerning Viola Petchura
2 2 149 Translation of a letter from the 1st District of the Kiangsu Provincial Water Police
2 2 150 Mr. Kotman, suspected Soviet agent
3 2 154 Report on arrest of a Japanese and a Korean arms smuggler by Japanese consular police
3 2 157 Report on anti-Bolshevik handbills
3 2 159 Morris Zelik, suspected Soviet agent
3 2 161 Report re - Dr. Joseph C. H. Chou, Apr. 12, 1929
3 2 162 A. Beerbrayer, suspected drug smuggler
3 2 164 The Rajah of Sarawak travelling incognito
3 2 165 Report on Hermann Henrich Fischer
3 2 169 Comrade Kovanko, suspected Soviet agent
2 2 173 Report on Comrade O. H. Argutinsky Dolgorukoff
3 2 177 Report re alleged reactionary publication “Moo Loo,” May 3, 1929
3 2 178 Comrade Skvortsoff, Soviet agent
3 2 179 Memo No. 135 - re Lerman Fishel Yakovlevich
3 2 181 A. F. Arshin, Communist
3 2 182 Letters re Ralph S. Boyd and C. F. Carpenter
2 2 184 Mr. Boleslaw Sawicki, alias Boris Sawicki, alias Saviski
3 2 187 Cr. & Sp. Br. Registry - subject Nong Yoong Hang alias John King
2 2 189 S. S. Ascakoff, Soviet agent
2 2 191 Departure of Soviet agents E. M. Bergh and V. I. Merien, alias Mermin
3 2 192 Report on Leon Fuchs and Michael Rubin alias Antoshka, departure of Russian pickpockets
3 2 195 Report on Russians leaving for Brazil
3 2 198 Report on the arrest of S. Watanabe and B. Esaki, blackmailers, by Hyogo Police
3 2 253 Soviet textile syndicate search warrant
3 2 254 Memo re Michael Parshikoff
3 2 256 Memo & photograph of Germans
3 2 257 Argus Information & Investigation Bureau. Ref. No. 3117 of 3-6-29
2 2 258 Mrs. Koroleff, suspected Soviet agent
3 2 260 James More
3 2 261 Report on the departure of A. A. Neophianoff, Mr. Ta-Li alias Li-Ta
3 2 281 Photos of Mrs. E. Greenhouse
3 2 309 Reported manufacture of morphine in Shanghai arms smuggling; information of M. Shikis de Shik, drug smuggler in his past
3 2 351 Report on Sung Siu Soong Hsi
3 2 420 Report on general situation
3 2 441 Report on Soviet mercantile fleet. Dismissal of representative of the local office of the Soviet mercantile fleet
3 2 444 A reconnaissance of 7th section of the headquarters of SIBVO (Siberian military district)
3 2 463 Letter in re photographs, etc., seized
3 2 501 Report & letter re A. P. Mihai and V. G. Petrovich
3 2 504 Memo re Mrs. Somogyi
3 2 505 Memo re Nee Ts Meng & Lee Ping Su
3 2 506 Memo re Russian nationality who applied for a visa to the Netherlands East Indies
3 2 507 Letter re Chinese war vessels
3 2 509 Translation of a letter no. 71 from the headquarters of the Woosung-Shan-Ghai garrison commander
3 2 513 Memo re Mr. B. M. Hunting, 3rd officer of the Municipal fire brigade
3 2 514 Report on the result of enquiries re attached note - enquiries about A. H. W. Grant
3 2 517 Look-out notices - various subjects
3 2 521 Extract from intelligence report 11.10.29
3 2 522 Report on Miss Mary Kukssova [Listed as case 523 on microfilm]
3 2 523 Report on Kalke, Jacques Joseph
3 2 528 Report on C. P. Leadley
3 2 529 General Chiang Kai-Shek
3 2 530 Alexi Ivanovitch Teleshoff, suspected Soviet agent
3 2 531 Arrest of Wang Yien Hsing
3 2 532 Letters on Stanley Williams Rowland
3 2 533 Letters re J. H. Browning
3 2 534 Report - “Art and Creation” Unification
3 2 535 Memo on Mrs. E. K. Dobrijitsky
3 2 537 Translation and letters re Communists
3 2 543 Report on civil summons served on D. S. Bebenin
3 2 550 Memo - on Kiangnan arsenal
3 2 601 Re Mohammad Daud & Co., Netherlands Trading Society, Mercantile Bank of India Ltd., Mitsui Bank Ltd., P. & O. Banking Corporation Ltd. versus Zao Chong Nan
3 2 603 Memo re Miss Praskovia Lyinishna Rimarene
3 2 606 Translation of a letter no. 1890 from the Public Safety Bureau of the Shanghai Special District
3 2 607 Indecent advertisement
3 2 612 Letters re “Barry Stoe Ri”
3 2 613 Memo no. 201 - re Yang Ching Fong alias Siau Yang (photo)
3 2 616 Report on British subject obtaining goods by means of worthless cheques
2 2 617 Comrade Gan, Soviet agent
3 2 619 Correspondence re J. H. Kerr, Esq.
3 2 620 Arrival of American Communist [photos]
3 2 623 Extract from intelligence report 11.11.29 re Eugene Bahin
3 2 627 Memo: copies of communistic mosquito newspaper “Red Flag” distributed by post to Chinese P.C.S.
3 2 635 Memos: re Chung Kwong Tseh
3 2 637 Report on seizure of anti-imperialistic literature and subsequent search of headquarters
3 2 639 Report of arrest re Wlassoff Michel
3 2 640 N. C. Duroche - smuggling of drugs, etc., per SS Chenonceaux, 1929
3 2 641 List of Chinese troops controlled by General Chiang Kai-Shek, Marshal Feng Yu-Hsiang, Marshal Yen Shih-San and General Chang Hsueh-Liang
3 2 642 The Shanghai Times, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1931 - Mr. N. I. Brewer gets a free pardon
3 2 643 Memo no. 28 - re Voong Nyui Ding and Tai Tuh Hyuin - well known bandit chiefs
3 2 645 Translation of printed matter emanating from the Koumintang Directory
3 2 646 Translation of report on selling of communistic books
3 2 648 Arrival of suspected Communist
3 2 649 Report on departure of Russian military adviser
4 2 651 Letter & memo re Van Yao Huang & Au Ten Ying
4 2 655 Memo and list of labour unions not carded per P. Hartman, Sept. 5, 1929
3 3 655 [Continues] List of labour unions existing in Shanghai, November 1929
4 3 656 Memo: re Mr. F. M. Gensberger
4 3 658 Advertisement to a book “Espionage”
3 3 663 S. Rappoport, suspected Soviet agent
4 3 667 Memo & translation of an article appearing in the Shun Pao, Sin Wan Pao, China Times, Eastern Times, and Min Kuo Pao of May 27, 1929
4 3 668 Translation petition submitted by the Koumintang Directory Committee’s Propaganda Department of the Hunan Province
4 3 669 Report on Gustor (Gustav) Otto Teppers - communication dated Aug. 12, 1937
4 2 670 Letter & translation of report re Communism Will Perish
4 2 672 Memo: Avenue Book Store
4 2 673 Letter re Chen Kung (photos included)
4 2 674 T. Okumura, ex-Japanese consular police constable
4 3 675 Memos - general situations
4 3 675 General Vlassievsky, creation of a buffer state in Mongolia
4 3 679 Report on attached translation from the Shanghai Nichi-Nichi under date Nov. 19, 1929
4 3 684 Report on Lan Yui Mung
4 3 685 Employment inquiries Lizzie Sangster
4 3 687 Report - attached newspaper clipping - “Counterfeiters are Taken at Work” (counterfeit bill included)
4 3 691 Letter no. C.I.D. D.691 re Mrs. C. N. Sedanova
4 3 701 Report on three Chinese lady teachers
4 3 702 Translation of a letter from the Kiangsu Bureau of Foreign Affairs
4 3 703 Public advertising boards of the Public Utility Bureau of the Municipality of Greater Shanghai
4 3 705 Memo re the 14,000,000 roubles to be auctioned off
4 3 707 Report on lecture titled “The Status of Shanghai” delivered by Dr. C. L. Hsia at the foreign YMCA on the evening of Nov. 26, 1929
4 3 708 Chinese municipality establishing a bank
4 3 751 Report on Joseph Jacob Zebrovsky, alias Jebrvsky alias Brin. [photo]. Soviet adviser.
3 3 752 “Far Eastern Information Bureau Bulletin”
4 3 755 Departure of suspected criminal gang for Hong Kong
4 3 757 Report on arms for the Nationalist Government
4 3 782 “Far Eastern Information Bureau Bulletin”
4 3 798 Report on the movements of Chen Ting Mo
4 3 803 S.B. Chinese Section - Soviet agents
4 3 804 Letters re Mrs. Annie Morgan (possible) alias Morris
4 3 814 Indo-China S.N. Co., Ltd., re commodore’s staff on SS Luen Wo
4 3 817 Report on Linbooshkin
4 3 819 Report on whereabouts of Otto Kruger
4 3 822 Report on arrival of Soviet agents
4 3 825 S.B. Chinese Section - further report re alleged Communist Sing Ming College, No. 80 Connaught Road
4 3 826 Letter re Kapoostin case & report on cable from Tientsin re Michael Kokovin
4 3 828 William D. Allen, suspected Communist
4 3 836 Memo re Mark Moody and others
4 3 839 Report on suspected arms smugglers on SS Sophie Rickmers
4 3 842 General situations - Dr. Max Fink, Dr. Jozef Heine and others
4 3 843 Report on Comrade Krymsky
4 3 846 Report on Mr. J. F. Lavies and Mrs. C. P. V. Lavies
4 3 856 Newspaper clipping - “America’s Communist Party Expels Former Professor” - is a report
4 3 858 Translation of communistic handbill [File 856, second folder, on microfilm]
4 3 859 2© Report of mutual agreement concluded between the local Italian and Japanese military defence authorities
4 3 861 Newspaper clipping & report on 22 priests slain in China
4 3 917 Applications for S.V.C.
4 3 939 Attempt of assault on Mr. Victor Gensburger, French
4 3 952 George Hardy alias George Hall
4 3 995 Soviet military espionage in China
5 3 1023 Anonymous communications received concerning two members of the Municipal Health Dept. and others
5 3 1041 Intelligence report - Ziang Chong Silk Weaving Factory - 850 Rue Admiral Bayle
5 3 1042 Gordan & Company, Ltd., (sanitary engineers) - termination of strike
5 3 1043 I.O.D. 1043 - general situations. New provisional court agreement ca. 1930
5 3 1044 Philippines denies use of mail to Communists
5 3 1085 Chapei Police passing through settlement 11.3.30
5 3 1086 Memo re D. S. Ovsianikoff
5 3 1101 Reinvestigation of Mr. Feng Tsu Hsing
5 3 1102 Election of Chinese members of SMC - 1930
5 3 1103 Faung Cheng Chia - Chinese lawyer
5 3 1119 Translation - Russian Emigrants Committee in Shanghai [photos]
5 3 1131 Report on V. B. Stepennoff alias V. V. Stepennoff and P. M. Ushakoff
5 3 1171 Report on Lawrence Paterson
5 3 1173 Memo re Chu-Liu-Wu General 89.
5 3 1174 the way telephone typewriter systems, placed by Philadelphia installers, aid police to trap fugitives
5 3 1181 C.I.D. Registry file no. subject: S. B. Oak proposes to exchange information with police on Communists
5 3 1182 Report on T. Saiki, Japanese deported from Calcutta
5 3 1184 Documents of a suspicious nature found in the possession of Mr. Ogley
5 3 1185 Memo re British stowaway returned to Shanghai from Kobe on the President Cleveland, 18-4-30
5 3 1186 [Same as 1185 in paper file]
5 3 1187 International bank swindler - John Kerr, alias L. O. Baird, etc.
5 3 1189 Special notification to fellow workers & translation of “Regulations Regarding the Organization of Pickets in Shanghai”
5 3 1190 Rough translation of a letter No. 224 from the Shanghai Special District Court
5 3 1191 Memo & translation of extract from China Times of May 4, 1930. Report further to bus drivers strike and conductors. (Translation of a letter) The Engineering Department
5 4 1192 S.B. Chinese Section - execution of search warrant at Palace Printing Co., No. 173 Sinza Road
5 4 1193 Shanghai Chinese Press Workers’ Union
5 4 1194 Translation of a letter No. 632 from the Public Safety Bureau of the Shanghai Special District
5 4 1195 Korean Communists arrested by French police
5 4 1196 Memo re newspaper clipping entitled “The Danger of the Outside Roads”
5 4 1197 Letter & memo re W. Rees Harris
5 4 1198 Mr. Paul Myron Lineberger
5 4 1199 S.B. Chinese Section - re Tsaung Ching Wai of Liyang
5 4 1200 Soviet interest in China revived
5 4 1201 Newspaper clipping - “Our Australian Letter” - Trade Union Congress
5 4 1202 Newspaper clipping - “Oriental travel School to leave Seattle June 15”
5 4 1203 Letters re Mr. John Hart and Edward Henry Hart
5 4 1204 Letters re Chang Shao Hua - leader of a gang of Haichow bandits
5 4 1205 Mrs. Livanoff alias Madam Ganette alias V. Scon alias Madam D. Desmond alias Dauphine Desmonde
5 4 1206 Negotiations with Chinese authorities in connection with instructions from A. C. (special)
5 4 1207 List of employees of the Shanghai Tramway Company, who are believed to be the principle [sic] agitators in the present strike in their respective departments
5 4 1208 M.A. Jacobs versus E. Schmidt
5 4 1209 Newspaper clipping, “China and the International Labour Organization”
5 4 1210 Communism - Sin Wan Pao - letter from Zee Ping King, former member of the Central Cte. of the Communist Party, to the members of the Chinese Communist Party. Crime register No. 365-1930 - possession of communist list.
5 4 1211 Newspaper clipping - “Chinese Ratepayers Laud Action Taken to Restore Foreign Concessions”
5 4 1212 Newspaper clipping - “Appeal is Made to Workers in Labor Day Message from the Government at Nanking”
5 4 1213 Letters re a gang of armed bandits
5 4 1214 Message re restriction of all ranks Shanghai area will be confined to barracks
5 4 1215 Newspaper clipping - “Minutes of S.M.C. Council Meetings Open to Press”
5 4 1216 The Chinese authorities received information that the Communists would demonstrate on April 27, 28, and 29
5 4 1217 Newspaper clipping - “London Derby Sweepstakes are now Restricted”
5 4 1218 Letter & memo re despatch Summons No. 720 issued at request of Chinkiang District Court
5 4 1236 Memo - enquiries re F. Sgt. No. 27 E. G. H. Halwell attached to the recording staff of the Municipal Advocates Office
5 4 1242 Report on old iron for munitions, alleged fraud on Chinese Government
6 4 1249 Lists of known and suspected criminals, 1935-40
6 4 1249 List of licensed and unlicensed private hotels located south of Soochow Creek [4 folders]; [Microfilm only: list of foreign boarding houses in the International Settlement, classified according to police districts]
6 4 1261 Newspaper clipping - “3 Witnesses Called as Pick-Hovans Fails to Make Promised Statement”
6 4 1261 Rpt. No. 6030/S - Information re S. J. Mamontoff, victim of assassination perpetrated on Sept. 14, 1941. Passage No. 1248, Rue Lafayette
6 4 1293 Letter & report re V. F. Sonder alias John Kozloff
6 4 1338 Report on Mrachkovsky - employee of the Chinese Government - activities of
7 4 1353 Newspaper articles, “Protest By Labour,” “The New Weapon of the Tokyo Police”
7 4 1356 Report on activities of Jesse Fry
7 4 1357 Memo & letter re “Sunset” Cox
7 4 1358 Memo & letter re Admiral R. Wakatsuki
7 4 1413 Report on Dr. V. F. Nauman
7 4 1451 Letter & report on Stanislav Adamsky
7 4 1452 Report on Afanasy Ivanovitch Scherbakoff
7 4 1454 Report on T. H. Lee, B.A., Litt. D. (honorary)
7 4 1455 Report on arms seizures by local customs authorities since January 1926
7 4 1456 Report re opium burned by the maritime customs
7 4 1457 Letter & memo re enquiry on J. W. F. Cameron
7 4 1458 Letter & memo re Mr. Jerry Remedios
7 4 1461 Letter re Mr. M. G. Yakovkin
7 4 1462 Newspaper articles & report re plan to limit Chinese ship company’s expense
7 4 1467 Memo re Arthur Warren Burgess
7 4 1468 Report on Samuel Isaiovich Tiles
7 4 1469 Report on Curtis
7 4 1470 Report on O. N. Kohnert
7 4 1471 Letter & report on Mr. Charles Jacobson
7 4 1473 Report on detention of British subject by Nantao authorities
7 4 1474 Letters re Bankers’ Trust Co.
7 4 1475 Letter re G. L. Hartman
7 4 1479 Letters re Richard Ernst Hans Karl Bockmann
7 4 1480 Report on Siberian gold in Shanghai
7 4 1484 Newspaper clipping re Mitsuzo Hattori
7 4 1485 Newspaper clipping - “Shanghai and Hong Kong - Some Comparisons Between the North and South Ports - Cabarets and Gambling”
7 4 1486 Letter & copy of report on Luzar Abraham Fuchs criminal record
7 4 1487 Report re seizure of communistic literature at No. 280 Thorburn
7 4 1622 Cross reference slip - file No. D 1622 (C). Subject: allegations against Sidney Joseph report. S. J. Halse - permission to enter Japan granted
7 4 1637 Memo: re suppression of reactionary paper entitled Weekly Pictorial.
7 4 1639 Report on G. Dobrovsky, Special Constable No. 81
7 4 1640 Letter & report on Victor M. Krivoroochko
7 4 1702 Letters & report of enquiry re E. D. Miller
7 4 1703 Letters of thanks re Mr. Hu Wen-hu
7 4 1704 Report on article entitled “Immoral Doings on Yuhang Road” appearing in the Shanghai Hippo of Oct. 28, 1930
7 4 1705 Report re application from Public Safety Bureau for services of policemen
7 4 1706 Letters and report re R. W. Wedderburn deceased
7 4 1707 Newspaper clipping entitled “Nanking - Berlin Air Service”
7 4 1708 Shanghai Municipal Police cross reference slip File No. D 1708. Subject: white slave traffic
7 4 1709 Report re leaflets announcing a series of lectures on prophecies of the Bible
7 4 1710 Translation of dispatch from the Public Safety Bureau
7 4 1711 Letter & report re J. A. Startizin
7 5 1751 Books re Chiang Kai Shek & pro-Waung Ching [books were not filmed]
7 5 1785 Antecedents re Miss Irene Emma Ida Weitmeyer
7 4-5 1791/6 Chinese workers’ correspondence obtained from Chinese post office
7 5 1801 Movements of Raisa Brodvakina, suspected Communist; list of Russian dancing partners etc.
8 5 1858 Report re L. Blumenthal, Mrs. Voitenco and Mr. Fingercout
8 5 1902 Report - communication dated 30.4.38 from the Portuguese Consulate General re Mr. Scholl
8 5 1903 Newspaper clipping & memo “Edwards Asking Salary, £5,000, Suspended Secretary Demands Pay…”
8 5 1913 Letters & report re Herman Neumann
8 5 1914 Letters & report re Herman Neumann
8 5 1939 Prosecution of bookstores re sale of communist books
8 5 1945 M. R., D. S. Zelberg and Miss Sarah D. Zelberg, suspected Soviet agents
8 5 1949 File on the affairs of the late Huang Cho Chiu
8 5 1954 Letter & report on Miss A. A. Laschick Mitczick
8 5 1956 Report on Lee Yong Ming
8 5 1957 Report re books of communistic nature (Russian) received by Mr. Clements
8 5 1961 Report and communications concerning Elias Sassoon Joseph
8 5 1963 Report on letter concerning Mr. George Villas
8 5 1964 Report re radical and indecent books on sale in settlement bookstores
8 5 1964/1 Special enquiry - request for list of indecent & radical books in languages other than Chinese sold by foreign or Chinese bookstores
8 5 1965 Report re Mr. Rimsha
8 5 1966 Newspaper clipping entitled “Customs Notification.” Report on the gold bar exchange
8 5 1975 Newspaper clipping entitled “Tracking Down Reds in Shanghai - Objections Made of the Methods of Chinese Authorities”
8 5 1998 File re 100 Central Arcade (Hinds and Bart)
8 5 2002 Letter & report re I. M. Zalkan
8 5 2011 Memorandum on the movements of A. P. Serebroff, Soviet employee
8 5 2012 Memorandum on the movement of S. S. Tseloohoff, Soviet employee
8 5 2013 Report re Mr. Harik, Soviet citizen
8 5 2015 Extracts from the Chinese afternoon newspapers - translation of 14.5.31.
8 5 2030 List of charges
8 5 2033 Report re Wang Cheng-Hsiang
8 5 2042 S. Hasimoto, Japanese counterfeiter of banknotes
8 5 2045 Extract from intelligence report of December
8 5 2047 Report re attached communistic literature
8 5 2048 Report on Woo Shing Book Store, No. 763 Connaught Road
9 5 2107 Newspaper article from Peking and Tientsin Times entitled “Borstal Boy as Crook”
9 5 2108 Report re anonymous letter addressed to the Political Department SMP, date 15/11/30
9 5 2109 Report on Hondra alias Biskin. . . arrested for assaulting a customs officer
9 5 2112 Report re departure of Brigadier General H. B. H. Orpen-Palmer from Pootung Wharf (Chinese authorities notified)
9 5 2113 Report re K. Oyama, Japanese counterfeiter of debentures
9 5 2114 Min Pao and other local newspapers (Nanking Telegram) thefts of telephone wires to be dealt with by military courts
9 5 2115 Memo - despatch from the Public Safety Bureau re Russian - communistic activities
9 5 2118 Report re Miss J. Miller alias Mrs. Jossett Miller
9 5 2120 Report re attempted suicide at the Astor House Hotel, Room No. 247, by Mrs. Hora (Tatiana Moskaleva)
9 5 2121 Newspaper clipping entitled - “Chinese People’s Livelihood - N.C.C. Conference Opening in Shanghai Today”
9 5 2122 Report re Étienne Finardi (French subject)
9 5 2126 Cr. & Sp. Br. Registry re Otto Robespierre alias S. L. Stephan alias V. Palceik alias Dietrich Keller. Austrian criminal
9 5 2127 Letters & report re Miss Anna Stepanovna Dolgova
9 5 2132 Booklet - “Aviation in China,” by Captain V. J. B. Holland, M.C.
9 5 2133 Reports and communications concerning Mrs. Olga Alice Rosen
9 5 2145 Deportation of Russian shoplifters from Japan
9 5 2148 Letters & report granting a visa to Mr. Peter Afhanasievich Tupikoff
9 5 2149 Letters re the whereabouts of Ezeril Alexander Edwards
9 5 2150 Memos, fingerprints, & photos of Nicholai Missiura (Micioura)
9 5 2151 Report re Miss A. Milikovsky
9 5 2255 Za Rodinu, a new Russian daily newspaper
9 5 2256 Report on resolution (2) passed by the Central Opium Suppression Commission at Nanking on Apr. 10, 1931
9 5 2265 Reports re Para Prince - present address of, whereabouts, watchman engaged in smuggling of arms, & statements made by A. N. Bannikoff
9 5 2302 Report re attached communistic literature received by the British military at Tifeng
9 5 2303 Reports re the activities of Communists during the month of May
9 5 2305 Report re suggested establishment of a criminal records office
9 5 2310 Report on Mr. Don Chisholm
9 5 2313 Letter & report re general situation in central China
9 5 2315 Report re reference to the attached file (D2315)
9 5 2316 Arrest of Lee Sau-Chi on a charge of propagating Communism, and his extradition
9 5 2323 Newspaper clipping “New Liaison Officer For French Consulate Arrives From Tokyo.” List of consuls.
9 5 2325 Letter & memo re Vladislav Chaikowsky
9 6 2330 Certificate & report to be considered valid as passport issued to Miss Rufina Daniloff
9 6 2337 Memo-Labour-Min Pao and other local newspapers: “The Inspection of Factories”
9 6 2342 Letter & extract from afternoon translation dated 5/21/31 “Regulations Governing The Formation of the Shanghai Provisional Military and Judicial Joint Hearing Court.”
9 6 2344 Extract & translation on indecent acts from a legal point of view
9 6 2346 Report on Mr. Peters Rosens, Latvian counsel
9 6 2347 Report re change of Director and Deputy Director of the Shanghai Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 6 Tifeng Road
9 6 2351 File copy re H. V. Muehlhauser
9 6 2352 Letters & report re Gunther Rodatz
9 6 2353 Report on P. H. Pitterson and alleged smuggling of four students of Chinan University into Java
9 6 2356 Report of arrest of Mo Tseng Khe on Yangtszepoo Road on May 10, 1931
9 6 2357 Extract of proceedings in Shanghai Special District Court for. . .application. . .for disposal of property of Lee Sz Tseng
9 6 2358 Report re landing of aeroplane on race course on Monday, May 4, 1931
9 6 2371 Report re Far Eastern Commercial Information Service, Harbin
9 6 2377 Newspaper articles re “. . .Draft of Constitution of the Republic of China”
9 6 2381/62 Report on secrecy in Special Branch
9 6 2398 Report on Chinese censorship - cable companies and postal service
9 6 2400 Letter & report on A. K. Wu and D. Harvard’s whereabouts
9 6 2407 Departure of R. I. Bodnek, Soviet official
9 6 2459 Extract of proceedings in Shanghai Special District Court re Mr. Paul Y. Ru
9 6 2461 Newspaper clipping re “Group Comes Here To Study Mission Work In Far East”
9 6 2464 The John Thorburn case
9 6 2464/13 Report re the Thorburn case
10 6 2510 Cross reference sheet. For original documents see D 2527.
10 6 2510/1 Extract from the Straits Settlement. Police journal, Apr. 30, 1933, re Joseph Ducroux, alias Serge Lefranc
10 6 2510/2 Seizure of literature in Noulens case 1931
10 6 2510/3 Letters re communication from Dr. Fischer re one Vander Cruyssen
10 6 2510/4 Report on further search of premises occupied by H. Nouliens
10 6 2510/5 Report on application from Chinese authorities to examine literature seized
10 6 2510/6 Report on loss of approximately $G.270.00 by Hilaire Nouliens after arrest. Observation kept on premises at 235 Szechuen Road, commencing 9:30 a.m., 11-6-31
10 6 2510/8 Report on P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case
10 6 2510/9 Letters of enquiries re Vander Cruyssen alias Hilaire Nouliens
10 6 Inventory of house “Lilly”
10 6 2510/10 Letter & memorandum on S. Herssens
10 6 2510/11 Registry file subject: extracts of court proceedings & verbatim report by Mr. A. C. Davis
10 6 2510/12 Letter re Mr. & Mrs. Vanderyussen
10 6 2510/13 Report on P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case: chops and stamps found at room 30C
10 6 2510/15 Letters & report re funds of Mr. & Mrs. Vanderyussen
10 6 2510/16 Newspaper articles re Mr. & Mrs. Vanderyussen re communist activities
10 6 2510/17 Report on bank passbooks seized at 66 Hart Road on 28-6-31
10 6 2510/20 Report on upkeep of houses for March, April, and May used in connection with the P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case
10 6 2510/21 Report of police investigation of Woe Ts Zung
10 6 2510/22 Report on property owned by Nouliens, etc.
10 6 2510/23 Report re subpoenas served on witnesses in the P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case
10 6 2510/25 Central Registry file sheet - subject: photographic copies of Belgian passport issued to Sophie Herbert and Samuel Herssens delivered to Belgian Consul General
10 6 2510/26 Statements of Tsung Shing Tsoh and Kyih Wang Yen
10 6 2510/30 Report on visit of 74 West End Gardens
10 6 2510/34 Report on investigation of Special Branch file No. S.B./D 2510/34 dated 21-7-31
10 6 2510/35 Newspaper articles re “Mrs. Nouliens Signs Will with Trembling Hand” and “Mrs. Vanderyussen Eats at Last”
10 6 2510/37 Report on A. Ju Jiehen
10 6 2510/37A Extract from document No. 37A dated June 9, 1931
10 6 2510/39 Report on information copied from carbon paper
10 6 2510/41 Report on Noulens using the alias name of “Alison”
10 6 2510/43 Report on contacts with the Shanghai Power Company signed by Noulens, etc.
10 6 2510/45 Report on handwriting specimens of aliases used by Noulens
10 6 2510/48 Report on various subjects re the Noulens
10 6 2510/50 Registry sheet entitled “Statements Made By Various Witnesses In the P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case”
10 6 2510/51 Extract from file S.B.D. 2510/51 P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case. Report on result of case against Mr. and Mrs. Vanderyussen alias Mr. & Mrs. Motte, etc., made by D.I. Ross 10.8.31.
10 6 2510/52 Registry - identity of Noulens couples. Correspondence between Scotland Yard, Swiss Consul General & C of P. Dr. O. Fischer, movement of in Europe
10 6 2510/53 Political - foreign Communists sent to Nanking
10 6 2510/54 Letters re. . .trial of the foreigners alleged to be in control of the activities in the Far East, etc.
10 6 2510/55 Letter re documents, books, papers, and other articles found in the houses of foreign Communists, Mr. & Mrs. Vanderyussen alias Mr. & Mrs. Noulens alias Mr. & Mrs. Beuret
10 6 2510/56 Letter & extract from the Shanghai Times dated Nov. 5, 1931, referring to Hilaire Noulens
10 6 2510/57 Report of purchase of Royale typewriter No. P 110647
10 6 2510/58 Letter in connection with the case of international Communists Noulens and his wife
10 6 2510/59 Correspondence re telegram expenses of the Noulens
10 6 2510/60 Correspondence re radiograms
10 6 2510/61 Report - Schwyzer - reported to be real name of Noulens
10 6 2510/62 Extracts from Chinese press translations re the Noulens case
10 6 2510/63 Lists of P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case documents required by the French police (29.3.32)
10 6 2510/64 Letter for the Noulen's
10 6 2510/65 Letter regarding extract from a French police report concerning the Noulen's case
10 6 2510/66 Straits Settlement police journal of 15th August 1931. Report on “Noulens Case.”
10 6 2510/67 Suspected larceny of mail from the Chinese post office. Sept. 18, 1931
10 6 2510/68 Letter requesting news of any further new developments from Nanking re the “Noulens” couple
10 6 2510/71 Statement of expenditure of $G.21.000 (P.P. 1 and 7)
10 6 2510/72 Law governing the punishment of persons who commit acts with intent to injure the Republic of China
10 6 2510/74 Extract from “Rote Fahne” (Red Flag) of Sept. 5, 1931, entitled “London Hinter Dem Henker Tschiankaischek” (London Behind the Hangman Chiang Kai-Shek)
10 6 2510/75 Report on James H. Dolsen alias Van Dolsen alias H. Vanutsen alias Rudolf Bergman
10 6 2510/76 Report on enquiry from HBM Consulate General re Fromam
10 6 2510/78 Copy of an extract from the international press correspondence of Nov. 5, 1931. The White Terror.
10 6 2510/77 Report: letter from Chief of Judicial Police of the Procurator's Office of the Court at Brussels, re identity of Mr. & Mrs. Noulens
10 6 2510/79 Letter to Mr. J. P. Givens, Special Branch, Shanghai Municipal Police, Shanghai
10 6 2510/80 Addresses visited on warrant
10 6 2510/81 Extract from Chinese newspaper translations - “The Prison Life of Noulens.”
10 6 2510/83 Report in the case against Hilaire Noulens
10 6 2510/84 List of the documents seized in the Noulens case required by the Nanking court. Letter from Shanghai No. 1 Special District Court concerning certain documents in Noulens case
10 6 2510/85 Memo: re wireless telegraph communication station was maintained and run by the Noulens
10 6 2510/86 Letter from Chang Chon of Central Kuamintary, HQ re copies of documents No. 73A, 74A, and 76A. 25.4.32
10 6 2510/87 Extract from Chinese newspaper translations dated May 13, 1932 - “The Noulens case - The Sin Wan Pao Publishes The Following Telegram From Nanking.”
10 6 2510/88 Dr. Tsai Yuan-Pei advocates public trial of “Noulens” Case, telegram to Wang Ching-Wei, President of Executive Yuan
10 6 2510/89 Newspaper clippings & telegrams re “Noulens Pair Demand Only Legal Rights”
10 6 2510/90 Newspaper clipping & report published on various comments on the Noulens Case
10 6 2510/91 Supplement to intelligence summary of July 2, 1932 - communist activities in connection with the Noulens case
10 6 2510/92 Newspaper clipping “How Noulens Couple Spend Their Time In Prison.” Report on prison life of Mr. and Mrs. Noulens and Chen Tou Seu & other situations
11 6 2510/93 Report on trial of Mr. & Mrs. Noulens and newspaper clipping “Court Traces Red Activities of Noulens”
11 6 2510/95 Dossier re communist activities of Noulens and others in China, Federated Malay States & elsewhere
11 6 2510/96 Various reports on the Noulens Case.
11-18 6 - Glossy photographs of documents in the Noulens Case
19 6 - SMP Files on Noulens Associates
19 6 2515 Report re C. P. Godhard
19 6 2523 Report on E. Kojevnikoff’s (Eugene Pick) letter to Mrs. E. Babakishvily
19 6 2527/1 Mr. H. Van Dolsen alias H. Vanutsen alias Rudolf Bergman
19 6 2527/2 Bernhard Schreiber
19 6 2527/3 Mrs. A. Walter
19 6 2527/4 Renaud Dillen
19 6 2527/5 Albert E. Stewart alias Isadore Dreazen alias J. W. Mills alias James Wallace. Secret name - “Kennedy”
19 6 2527/6 Serge Norbert Lefranc alias Joseph Ducroux alias Duport
19 6 2527/7 S. N. Lefranc alias Dupont alias Ducroux, Joseph, Hilaire Noulens, Walter Haeusing, F. Unger, and Marie Arnaud
19 6 2527/8 A. Julien alias of Hilaire Noulens
19 6 2527/9 Gerhart Eisler
19 6 2527/10 (1) Mary H. Arnaud alias “H. Moustique” alias “H. Lulu” alias Mrs. Marie H. Finardi. (2) Roseline Emily Arnaud alias Rosalie H. Arnaud
19 6 2527/11 Tsang Tsung Jeu alias Tsang Yien Ding
19 6 2527/12 Mr. Judea H. Codkin alias A. H. Rosenfeld alias R. H. Allen
19 6 2527/13 Mr. Friederich Franz H. Unger
19 6 2527/14 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Haeusing, German subjects
19 6 2527/15 S. Herssens alias H. Noulens
19 6 2527/16 V. Midler
19 6 2527/17 Mr. & Mrs. R. Allen alias Mrs. Marie Heiber alias Rosa
19 6 2527/18 Names mentioned in P.P.T.U. Secretariat Case - list of
19 6 2527/19 Mr. W. H.S. Hatton or Hutton
19 6 2527/20 Mrs. Marie Heiber alias Mrs. Richard Allen
19 6 2527/21 Sweet
19 6 2527/22 Statement of Woe Ts Zung, native of Wenchow
19 6 2527/23 Lloyd Fitzroy
19 6 2527/24 Jack Hogue, Swedish
19 6 2527/25 Dr. Victor S. Heiser, M.D.
19 6 2527/26 Mr. Hans Strauss (Letthish national)
19 6 2527/27 Doctor Paul August Mattick
19 6 2527/28 Translation from French information re H. Nichols (Benito) - Decroux alias Lefranc
19 6 2527/29 Max Lipschitz
19 6 2527/30 Osten Sacken alias Austin or Austen
19 6 2527/31 Bassa alias Teo Yuen Foo, Javanese
19 6 2527/32 Miss Charlotte Therese Irene H. Baumel
19 6 2527/33 Mrs. L. Olivier
19 6 2527/34 Harold R. Isaacs
19 6 2527/35 Extracts from French police reports re Noulens case
19 6 2527/36 Japanese Communists connected with the Noulens case
19 6 2527/37 Charles F. Hope @ C. F. Hoppe
19 6 2527/38 Jean Baptiste Antoine Gorren @ Jean Gueux
19 6 2527/39 Dr. Oscar Simon H. Fischer @ Oscar H. Fischer @ Dr. Otto H. Fischer @ A.O.H. Fischer
19 6 2527/40 Jimmy Noulens
20 6 2527/41 Appendix 1 - chronological dates of importance in the career of Noulens and Mrs. Noulens. Appendix 6 - passports and descriptions of A. Samuel Herssens and others. Appendix 13 - letter to “Dear Fritz”. Appendix 14 - copies of Noulens’ letters. Appendix 18 - partial transcripts of SMP interrogations and court proceedings in the case of Noulens and Mrs. Noulens
20 6 2527/42 “Noulens Case - Communications” (SMP Reports)
20 6 2527/43 “Evidence & Court Testimony”
20 6 2527/44-92 “The Noulens Case” - various subjects
20 6 2527/45 “Noulens Case” analyses - communist activities in China, Federated Malay States, etc.
21 6 2554 Report on information received from Shanghai cotton mill, 1970 Yangtzepoo Road
21 6 2554/1' Meeting of Communists held at 76 Mokanshan Road
21 6 2554/2 Communist meeting held at 15 Doong Foong Li, Tan Tu Jao, Route de Zikawei, French Concession
21 6 2554/3 Communist meeting held in a hut at Yah Sze Loong Ferry Road, O.O.L.
21 6 2554/4 Report of attempted communist demonstration of July 22, 1931.
21 6 2554/5 Report on communist meeting held in a dwelling house (number unknown) near Chun San Bridge, Chun San Road, Chapei
21 6 2554/6 Communist meeting held in Chapei
21 6 2554/7 Report - meeting of local Communists in Western District
21 6 2554/8 Report - meeting of local Communists in Eastern District
21 6 2554/9 Report - communist meetings held on July 5 and 6
21 6 2554/10 Report - Special Branch intelligence report - political - arrest of participants of meeting of Kiangsu representatives of anti-imperialist organizations
21 6 2554/11 Report - meeting of workers of Japanese industrial concerns
21 6 2554/12 Report - meeting of unemployed workers in Western District re proposed demonstration on Sept. 25, 1932
21 6 2554/13 Report - communist meeting held in the Western District, O.O.L.
21 6 2554/14 Report - communist meeting in Western Chapei
21 6 2554/15 Report - “Unemployment Movement” - “International Unemployment Movement Day”
21 6 2554/16 Report - anniversary of the death of Lenin (Jan. 21)
21 6 2554/17 Report - release of convict Yang Nyi Chuin Tszz who was arrested by the Municipal Police outside the Ee Zung Li, Yangtzepoo Road, on 24.1.33.
21 6 2554/20 Report - communist meeting held in Western Chapei, Chinese-controlled territory
21 6 2554/21 Report - communist meeting in Western Chapei, Chinese-controlled territory, on May 10, 1933
21 6 2554/22 Communist meeting in Western Chapei
21 6 2554/23 Report - communist meeting in Western Chapei
21 6 2554/26 Meeting of communist suspects held in Western Chapei
21 6 2554/36 Meeting of communist suspects in Western District
21 6 2554/33/34/37/38/39 Communist literature obtained in the Western District
21 6 2554/40 Communist propaganda obtained in the Western District
21 6 2554/41 Communist propaganda obtained in Western Chapei on 31.10.33
21 6 2554/42 Communist literature obtained in Western Chapei on Nov. 2, 1933
21 6 2554/43 Communist propaganda obtained in Western Chapei on 23-11-33
21 6 2554/45 Communist propaganda in Western Chapei
21 6 2588 Wanpaoshan incident & anti-Japanese movement. [Includes index to documents in file.]
21 6 2588/1 Report - anti-Japanese movement
21 6 2588/2 Anti-Japanese movement resulting from the Vanpaosan incident
21 6 2588/3 Re paragraph 7 of Daily Intelligence Report of the 22nd inst.
21 6 2588/4 Manifesto by Korean, Annamite, and Indian revolutionists
21 6 2588/5 Letter - for special protection by police to Japanese residents
21 6 2588/6 Seizure of Japanese goods by anti-Japanese association
21 6 2588/7 Anti-Japanese boycott and local Japanese industrialists and merchants
21 6 2588/8 Seizure and subsequent release of Japanese goods
21 6 2588/9 Assault on Japanese marine officers
21 6 2588/10 Pickets kidnap Japanese
21 6 2588/11 Japanese marines re seized goods held in Chapei by anti-Japanese pickets
21 6 2588/12 Speech on anti-Japanese movement broadcast in the settlement
21 6 2588/13 Activities of anti-Japanese pickets in the settlement
21 6 2588/14 Newspaper articles - “Yu Ya Ching Writes Replies; Woodhead Charges Evasion,” “Shipping Magnate Denies Attending Boycott Meeting”
22 6 2604 Letters, newspaper clippings, & report re Vice Admiral Li Shih-Chia
22 6 2607A Detective report concerning the Formosan Communists named Zung Ping Yue and Tong Vung Ling
22 6 2609 Letters & reports on D. W. Nevins and J. B. Armee’s investigation
22 6 2610 Report on D. A. Rushton, British charged in British Court 1931
22 6 2656 V. M. Pasykoff, Soviet employee
22 6 2657 Chinese Soldier Stabs Japanese Marine On Duty in Western District
22 6 2657 Conflict Between Chinese Soldiers And Japanese Marines
22 6 2657 Trouble Between Japanese Marines And Chinese Military
22 6 2665 Report on “Red Literature”
22 6 2702 Report on Ludwig Adler, suspected communist agent
22 6 2708 Summary & newspaper clippings re slot machines (C.R. File C 138)
22 6 2709 Cr. & Sp. Br. Registry - re C. A. Boonekamp reports loss of Dutch passport
22 6 2710 Report of anonymous letter re B. Allara in connection with bank-note forgery case
22 6 2712 Report re Vasili Palecek alias Dietrich Keller; Otto Robespierre wanted on charge of defrauding the Grand Hotel at Tsingtao
22 6 2713 Harold Isaacs & “China Forum” - cross reference slip
22 6 2713 Copy of report by D. S. Pitts, 10.11.32.
22 6 2713/18 Copy of China Workers' Correspondence, Vol. 3, No. 18, 31.10.32, addressed to Harold R. Isaacs, Room 302/216 Szechuen Road
22 6 2713/19 Copy of report by D. S. Pitts, 13.11.32, copy of C.W.C. Vol. 3, No. 19, 9.11.32 addressed to China Forum, 216 Szechuen Road
22 6 2714 Report on Michael Abramovitch Goldstein
22 6 2754 Report - arrest of Lieu Ping and eight others on Sept. 7, 1931, in the Dah Doong Printing Shop No. F.A. 612 Yu Yuen Road. Copy of court proceedings - sheet No. 6 re Mr. T. S. Lea appeared for the police - Mr. Ying Ming Ts appeared for Mau Kyi Ziang. Execution of time expired search warrant at F.A. 612 Yu Yuen Road. Copy of court proceedings, Execution of time expired search warrant at F.A. 612 Yu Yuen Road. Raid on printing establishment - seizure of pro-communistic literature - 9 arrests. Shanghai Municipal Police Crime Diary. List of communistic literature, etc. seized at No. 612 Yu Yuen Road at 3:30pm, Sept. 7, 1931
22 6 2755 Zung Pung Jen, a student of the Tung Wen College
22 6 2756 Report - enquiries re the arrest of a suspected Communist named Zau Loong by the Chinese authorities
22 6 2760 Arrest of Dau Li Sz on Sept. 17, 1931, on charge of propagating Communism; summary of case relating to the raids on No. 561 Tien Foh Li. . .off Range Road and subsequent court proceedings
22 6 2762 Letters & report - on Amat Pakal
22 6 2764 Newspaper clippings re “German sentenced to Goal Term - Instigator of Theft of Famine Wheat from America”. Report re alleged suspicious nature of H. S. Peter, K. Fracke and H. Dietz
22 6 2801 Various subjects - Audouard, R.; Appleman, M. L.; Amalu, Samarthan; Abkarian, Armen; Applemian, Morris
22 6 2851 Cross reference slip - list of factories in the settlement
22 6 2852 Newspaper clipping - “A Foreign Baby Found”
22 6 2853 Cr. & Sp. Br. Registry Sheet - “Warning” conveyed to Mr. I. A. Toeg by telephone on 23/10/31
22 6 2854 Letter & report - letter from Miss Vlachum Harbin re Vladimir Pavlovich Cherednichenko
22 6 2855 Letters re Van Navachinbsky (Nowaczynski) and Abdul Hodan (Kodan) alias Fedan accused of larceny and conspiracy
22 6 2856 Newspaper clippings & report “Dumping of Soviet Coal in Shanghai.” Report - The Great China Co., Ltd.
22 6 2858 Report - illegal functions of Chinese authorities
22 6 2859 Report - attempted communist demonstration on Robinson Road
22 6 2860 Newspaper clippings: “Engineer Fined For Use Of A False Passport”
22 6 2861 Cr. & Sp. Br. Registry - allegations made by. . .Liang Zung Vyoch. C.D.S. 2 against C.D.S. re kidnapping
22 6 2863 Report - remittances of money to the U.S.S.R. payable at places of destination in goods
22 6 2864 Translation of letters from railway police headquarters
22 6 2865 Translation of letters from the Procuratorate of the Second Branch
22 6 2866 Report on communist suspect in Nanking named Fu Ta-Chin
22 6 2867 Report - alleged attempted armed extortion by member of the Bureau of Public Safety O.O.L. Report of police investigations - “The following is the statement of Woo Hong Ping, aged 32. . .” Attempted armed extortion alleged against CDC 84 of the Bureau of Public Safety
22 6 2868 Report - The Workers’ Representatives’ Office, 4 Hou Sung Li, Houchen Road
22 6 2869 Divisional orders. Various subjects. Memo: James Gladney, American citizen
22 6 2870 Memo: James Gladney, American Citizen
22 6 2871 Memo - translation of letter from Public Safety Bureau, Canton; Translation of letter from Metropolitan Police, Nanking; Translation of letter from Public Safety Bureau, Amoy, Translation of letter from Shanghai Public Safety Bureau; Translation of dispatch 414 to Council from Bureau of Public Safety, Wusih. Dated 13th Nov. 1931 - kidnapping of children; Translation of letter from Ninpo Public Safety Bureau; Translation of letter from C.M.S.N. Co. acknowledging receipt; Letter to the Director of Criminal Investigation; Acknowledge receipt of letter re abduction of children
22 6 2871 Translation of despatch No. 678 to Council from the Bureau of Public Safety, Provincial Capitol of Kiangsu (Chinkiang); Letter to R. C. Aiers, Esq., Deputy Commissioner (Crime), Shanghai, from Superintendent, Customs River Police; Letters - 5th instant re the abduction of Chinese children from the settlement for the purpose of sale
22 6 2872 Report - letter from the Wen Hwa Fine Arts Press - 150 Point Road - re labour unrest
22 6 2873 Report - Tong Chia Tseng mentioned in attached despatch to Municipal Council
22 6 2874 Memo & list of ammunition to provide ample supply of each type and allowing a surplus to cover unexpected requirements without interfering with the routine.
22 6 2875 Memo - cinema film censorship
22 6 2876 Memos and report - provocative and disorderly conduct of ratings (enlisted personnel from the French Cruiser Waldeck Rousseau
22 6 2877 Report on E. L. Fullerton Letter
22 6 2878 re anti-Japanese propaganda campaign
22 7 2879 Memo - instructions re time off from work
22 7 2880 Report - case against Lee Kwei Fu charged with assault on police and propagating Communism
22 7 2881 Memos requesting the arrest of Yu Hsi Chiu
22 7 2882 Newspaper clippings and reports re Russian emigrants' organizations report - The Council of the United Russian Public Organization of Shanghai
22 7 2883 Report on extradition of Bernhard Von Kleist
22 7 2884 Memos & report re labour statistics
22 7 2885 Memorandum on S.M.C. economy
22 7 2886 Memo & letter - translation of letter from Shanghai Public Safety Bureau
22 7 2887 Report re attached anonymous letter
22 7 2888 Memos & translation of letter from Shanghai No. 1 Special District Court
22 7 2889 Report - correction of news report in Shanghai Nippo
22 7 2890 Report on possibility of trouble in Shanghai by local Communists on Nov. 16
22 7 2891 Letters & report on John O'Connor
22 7 2892 Report - re enquiries re the disclosure of police information to the Eastern Times (Si Pao)
22 7 2893 Report - incorrect news reports in Shanghai Nichi Nichi Shimbun
22 7 2894 Constantine Opadchy, applicant for employment with the Municipal Police
22 7 2895 Report - Evening Post (“Vechernaya Pochta”), Russian newspaper
22 7 2897 Extortion (alleged) of $300 by Lee Sian Dee and Chen Tze Deng from Chen King Pong, 17.11.31. Mr. & Mrs. J. Greiner
22 7 2898 Report re “Young Guard,” and English language propaganda journal
22 7 2899 Memo - police order No. C 4306 dated 9.11.31.
23 7 2919 Antecedents - Edmond Egon Kisch, Leo and Markovitch Byhovsky
23 7 2934 Extract from memorandum on Oswald Doenitz or Oswald Donitz
23 7 2952 Formation of narcotic section
23 7 2953 Memorandum on the movements of Lim Goan Liang or Liem Goan Lian by Lee Sian Dee and Chen Tze Deng from Chen King Pong, 17.11.31. Mr. & Mrs. J. Greiner
23 7 2954 Drug case in Basle, Switzerland
23 7 2955 Report - change of commander of the Japanese naval landing party in Shanghai
23 7 2956 Report - meeting of “Conscience Group for National Salvation” members in Chinese YMCA
23 7 2960 Case against Yu Ai Ling
23 7 2961 Report on history of police force is traced by speaker - Deputy Commissioner Young gives interesting outline of development of settlement’s law guardians, early days and difficulties recalled
23 7 2962 Silent Chinese cinema films reviewed
23 7 3002 Report re Mr. C. Y. Jones
23 7 3009 Report - identity of Chen Han Seng and Wan Liang Tsung
23 7 3010 Report re Mrs. Greta Zirkel
23 7 3011 Report V. A. Rybakoff alias Rebekieff
23 7 3013 Registry sheet - Mrs. A. Corrit
23 7 3017 G. M. Krosslavsky, suspected Soviet agent
23 7 3018 Report - anti-Christian propaganda emanating from Shanghai Federation of Labour Unions (communist organ)
23 7 3019 Report - newspaper and magazine censorship committee
23 7 3019B Letter from the Press Censorship Bureau
23 7 3032 Career of General Chang Chun, the new Minister for Foreign Affairs
23 7 3053 Report re Admiral Tseng I. Ting
23 7 3054 Report - new Commissioner of Public Safety appointed
23 7 3055 Report re arrest of three Annamite Communists
23 7 3057 Newspaper clipping - “Modern Scotland Yard of Shanghai Makes Things 'Hot' for City Gangsters”
23 7 3059 Memorandum on the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai
23 7 3062 Report on Isaak (Icek) Warszawer
23 7 3066 Newspaper clippings: “How Scotland Yard Operates”
23 7 3069 Report - Russian Navigation School
23 7 3070 Letter & report on “General D. L. Khorvat”
23 7 3073 Report on the Harbin Incident
23 7 3078 Report on C. H. Pragnell
23 7 3085 French Concession press laws. New ordinance signed by Consul General
23 7 3086 “Vosrojdenie” (“La Renaissance”) - Paris, July 1931 - Berkman, agent
23 7 3087 The Shanghai Korean Weekly News
23 7 3088 Extract from the police intelligence report - mass meeting and procession in memory of “Shanghai Victim in the Dec. 17” tragedy in Nanking
23 7 3089 Memorandum on the movements of A. I. Levin, Soviet employee
23 7 3094 Information re P. S. Crawley, arms and opium trader
24 7 3102 Indiscreet press report in “Min Kuo Jih Pao” arouses the indignation of Japanese Club on Dec. 6 and 7, 1935
24 7 3104 Functions at the Japanese Club on Dec. 6 and 7, 1935
24 7 3108 Identification cards: specimens sent
24 7 3110 Enquiries re General Trading Company (Cr. & Sp. Br. registry No. 3110)
24 7 3115 Memorandum of V. I. Holin, suspected Soviet agent
24 7 3116 Information re Morison, alias Shermak; Vladimir Alexandrovich, alias Kurugash, alias William Allum, Soviet employee - Centersojus
24 7 3117 Report re Edward Marvin, alias Ma Wing, alias Ng Yick Wing
24 7 3120 Movements of Jaques Karp
24 7 3122 Newspaper clipping - “Municipal Salaries”
24 7 3123 YMCA Social Center
24 7 3126 Letter from W. Gamblin, petty officer, HMS Keppel
24 7 3128 Memorandum on movements of M. B. Grienfeld, suspected Soviet agent
24 7 3130 Report - former Russian grand dukes' alleged intention to visit Shanghai
24 7 3154 Communist literature found in the garden of house No. 708 Avenue Road
24 7-8 3176A Sino-Japanese impasse, 1932 - Louza Station reports
24 8 3176B Sino-Japanese impasse, 1932. Central Station reports, Sinza Station reports and Pootoo Road Station report
25 8 3176C Sino-Japanese impasse, 1932. West Hongkew Station Report
25 8 3221 Memoranda - brief sketch(es) of General Uyeda's career - the commander of Japanese military forces in Shanghai
25 3252 Informer re meeting in Western District
25 8 3253A Secret subversive base
25 8 3257 List of Japanese residents in the Western District and their addresses
25 8 3258 Shanghai newspaper publication during state of emergency
25 8 3261 Extract from Chinese newspapers, Translation 6.3.32 - “Suggested Boycott of Messrs. Honigsberg & Son For Supplying Cars to the Enemy”
25 8 3303 Reports of police investigations - statements of Chen Zing Ngao, native of Nang Hsiang, and A. Viola Smith, American Trade Commissioner, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 3 Canton Road, Shanghai, China
25 8-9 3307 Police reports and newspaper clippings re action taken by Beaumont against V. A. Chilikin, editor of Russian newspaper Kopeika for libel
25 9 3308 Letters & report on the whereabouts of Mrs. A. Y. Cleave
25 3310 Report - preparatory office for commemorating the victory of the 19th Route Army in resisting the Japanese
25 9 3311 Circular No. 32 - evacuation scheme - British women and children
25 9 3312 Anniversary of International Women's Day, Mar. 8, 1932 - communist raid on Kwong Hwa Primary School No. 1267 Robinson Road - 11 students arrested
25 3318 Newspaper clipping - “Local Pressmen - Meyer Wu Criticizes Japanese Acts - Permanent Peace Sought”
25 9 3321 Report re translation of an extract from the Shanghai Zaria of Mar. 16, 1932 - Effmoff's divorce
25 9 3323 Charge sheets re the 1st and 2nd accused
25 9 3325 Newspaper clippings & report - “Officer Cites Withdrawal Aids Defense”
25 9 3328 Letters & report on Werner Nehm alias Baron Petro Von Der Osten Sacken
25 9 3330 Report - Lewis Draper Bentley, native of Shanghai, British subject
25 9 3333 Report - broadcasting stations in the International Settlement
25 9 3334 Translation of letter received on June 29, 1932. Translation of letter from the Shanghai War District Unemployed Workers Relief Society. Report - organizations engaged in helping unemployed workers.
25 9 3335 Report - Chinese General Chamber of Commerce receives contribution for the 19th Route Army
25 9 3336 Report to the Shanghai Municipal Police during the Sino-Japanese crisis
25 9 3344 Translation of an extract from the Journal De Shanghai, dated Mar. 1, 1932 - A Curfew Incident
26 9 3351 Newspaper clipping - “Major Fabre Here from North to Direct Concession Police”
26 9 3353 Report on Miss Marie Jessie Campbell and Miss Jean Anita Murray
26 3355 Report - Bruno Kurth, Otto Stein, Victor de Shepper and A. Yovolosky, alleged agents of the Third International in China
26 9 3356 Report - pro-communist and anti-government periodical entitled “The First Line”
26 9 3358 Citizens Federation
26 9 3360 Anti-Japanese pictures of the Sino-Japanese conflict
26 9 3363 Dissension between Chiang Kai-Shek and Sun Fo's cliques. Madam Sun Yat-Sen, General Chen Chi Tang
26 9 3365 Max Hampe, German citizen
26 9 3367 Whereabouts of Thomas Lewis Thorpe. Letter from Mary A. Thorpe re whereabouts of Thomas Lewis
26 9 3369 Unsuccessful coup d'etat in Nantao and arrest of 12 participants. South Eastern Defence Army to capture Nantao
26 9 3370 Proclamation of General Y. Shirakawa, Commander in Chief, Japanese forces
26 9 3373 Miss Alexandra Stoliaroff - B. Y. Semichoff
26 9 3379 “Situation Committee” organized by Japanese residents
26 9 3380 League of Nations Enquiry Commission on Manchuria Incident
26 9 3381 Letter of former Communist to the Special Branch proposing to work as secret agent
26 9 3388 Arrest of members “Left Cultural Ass'n of China,” communist organization wanted by Chinese authorities
26 9 3390 Pro-communist publication entitled “The War Flag.” Tsen Sien Kyan
26 10 3406 The Daily Worker, New York, re communist activity in China
26 10 3407 Raid on the headquarters of the anti Japanese and National Federation of Workers of Various Trades at No. 19 Macao Road on 21.3.32.
26 10 3408 Mrs. Margaret Florine Van Driest nee Whyndt, Netherlands subject Paul Pruffer, Fritz Lapin
27 10 3412 Address of I.C. Bosustow
27 10 3414 Chinese news agencies. Chinese newspapers
27 10 3418 “The Body Beautiful,” etc., photographs of nude human body [File missing from paper records]
27 10 3429 Arrest of agent Mao Kuo-Pao at Shanghai South Station and others
27 10 3429 A. J. Avramow, Bulgarian, transferred to file No. 4961, 21.6.33
27 10 3432 Circular poster of Sino-Japanese Citizens Joint Friendship Union at Fengtien. [translation]
27 10 3435 Arrest of Ling Poh Sung, Communist suspect on Ferry Road on 30.3.32
27 10 3436 V. A. Doobonosoff, Soviet employee. Tseloohoff, Skripkoff
27 10 3437 N. Itkin, Soviet employee. Mrs. N. L. Itkin
27 10 3445 Chapei - “Puppet” Administration (opium & gambling dens, etc.)
27 10 3448 Bert Hall, U.S.A. citizen, aviator
27 10 3449 Arrest of Yien Tsoong, charged with propagating Communism
27 10 3450 Lieu Vung, communist suspect arrested
27 10 3466 Whereabouts of Eardley Thomas Maitland. Mrs. H. V. McDougall nee Maitland
27 10 3475 Case of Marquis Li Kuo-Chien, former manager of China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company
27 10 3482 Rent reduction movement, Shun Pao
28 10 3486 Kiangnan Tseng Pao - a Japanese newspaper in the Chinese language
28 10 3487 J. MacPartland, British, Berthold, Coghlan, Col. Chirtie, J. J. Ellis, R. Cuthbert, Ben Wylie MacGregor, Heaney
28 10 3489 Arrest of Chang Dah Tsung, alleged commander of the Shanghai Volunteers Red Army
26 10 3408 Mrs. Margaret Florine Van Driest nee Whyndt, Netherlands subject Paul Pruffer, Fritz Lapin
27 10 3412 Address of I.C. Bosustow
27 10 3414 Chinese news agencies. Chinese newspapers
27 10 3418 “The Body Beautiful,” etc., photographs of nude human body [File missing from paper records]
27 10 3429 Arrest of agent Mao Kuo-Pao at Shanghai South Station and others
27 10 3429 A. J. Avramow, Bulgarian, transferred to file No. 4961, 21.6.33
27 10 3432 Circular poster of Sino-Japanese Citizens Joint Friendship Union at Fengtien. [translation]
27 10 3435 Arrest of Ling Poh Sung, Communist suspect on Ferry Road on 30.3.32
27 10 3436 V. A. Doobonosoff, Soviet employee. Tseloohoff, Skripkoff
27 10 3437 N. Itkin, Soviet employee. Mrs. N. L. Itkin
27 10 3445 Chapei - “Puppet” Administration (opium & gambling dens, etc.)
27 10 3448 Bert Hall, U.S.A. citizen, aviator
27 10 3449 Arrest of Yien Tsoong, charged with propagating Communism
27 10 3450 Lieu Vung, communist suspect arrested
27 10 3466 Whereabouts of Eardley Thomas Maitland. Mrs. H. V. McDougall nee Maitland
27 10 3475 Case of Marquis Li Kuo-Chien, former manager of China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company
27 10 3482 Rent reduction movement, Shun Pao
28 10 3486 Kiangnan Tseng Pao - a Japanese newspaper in the Chinese language
28 10 3487 J. MacPartland, British, Berthold, Coghlan, Col. Chritie, J. J. Ellis, R. Cuthbert, Ben Wylie MacGregor, Heaney
28 10 3489 Arrest of Chang Dah Tsung, alleged commander of the Shanghai Volunteers Red Army
28 10 3490 Whereabouts of Mrs. Olga Verhovsky, McPherson A. Verhovsky, C. A. Anderson
28 10 3494 Zee Sz Faung, arrested and sentenced on charge of propagating Communism. Woo Wei Yee
28 10 3501 Installation of a telephone to Det. Sgt. E. M. Golder's flat
28 10 3503 Letter from the Chief of Public Safety Bureau to SMP re not executed order to deliver books by Dah Au Bookshop
28 10 3504 Explosives found at No. 19 Rue Des Peres by the French Police. Armand Marmorat, Chief of the Search Brigade
28 10 3505 Assistance to French police to search premises occupied by Communist
28 10 3506 Newspaper clipping & report re Captain Walter Heikel
28 10 3507 Cross reference slip re inspection of Municipal property
28 10 3508 Cr. & Sp. Br. registry - Subject: List of Communists arrested during the month
28 3509 [Missing]
28 10 3510 Dzung Chi Ming alias Foo Sih Sien, alias Sih Zing Dau, charged with propagating Communism
28 10 3511 Prosecution of Ging Sih Joue alias Ging Voung Sung, alias Siau Canton, for publishing literatures aiming to overthrow of the National Government
28 10 3512 P. H. Rumber (Estonian) - W. J. Kerr
28 3513 Foreign press report of presence in Western District of 200 Chinese troops
28 3514 D. S. Golder - fitness for presentation to Sub-Inspector by Supt. Robertson
28 10 3515 Report of Zeng Poh-Huei re his property missing from No. 8 Foh Hsing Li, Wang Pang Road (O.O.L.)
28 10 3516 Shing Li Company - Major Mase Okumdra Chi S-Cheh-Chih Tsz-Lien Wong Sih San
28 10 3517 Shanghai District Court (newspaper clippings)
28 10 3518 Japanese military office - 1036 Sing Ming Road, Chapei
28 10 3519 Criminal gang/opinion of Municipal Advocate
28 3520 Application for [?] allowance by D.S.T. Duncen
28 3521 Cinema film entitled “Msroie”
28 10 3522 Reported arrest of Wong Ts-Liang and Koo Chia Zai former intelligence officers at the Woosung forts. [File missing from paper records]
28 3523 General Labour Union, 117 Foh Yen Road, Nankao
28 3524 Re 56 drums of engine oil missing from Shanghai North Railway Station - letter from Nanking - Shanghai Railway dated Apr. 17, 1932
28 11 3525 Strike at Anderson & Mayers, Machine Shop No. 2 Tungliang Road. Li Ah Auh
28 11 3526 Arms smuggling - Gen. Chen Kuo-Hui's troops, “ERIS”
28 11 3527 Labour situation in the Western District
28 11 3528 Albert Oliver alias Albert E. Stewart, Mrs. L. Oliver, Margaret Undjus, Hillaire Noulens
28 11 3529 Lieut. Robert Short, U.S.A., Mrs. E. Short, H.O. Tong
28 11 3530 Enquiries re visits of Robert M. Short (deceased) to the traffic and loss of 380 auto pistol from the Statement Office
28 11 3531 The strike of China Merchants Steam Navigation Company
28 11 3532 Memorandum on the system of communication used by Shanghai Municipal Police
28 11 3533 Foreigners held up at Kiangwan by Japanese
28 3534 Assistance to the Public Safety Bureau. Execution of search warrant No. 4107. Room in Burlington Hotel occupied by Dod Tien Yih.
28 3535 Application for a pistol by translator N. A. Pokrousky
28 3536 Mrs. Magdalen Lloyd, Netherlands subject. D'Auxion De Ruffe
28 11 3538 Chung Hua Weekly, pro-Japanese publication - Ling Hsi Chien
28 11 3539 Translation of a letter from Shanghai No. 1 Special District Court. Apr. 18, 1932
28 11 3540 Circular order for arrest of Messrs. Wong Chi Tseng and Ngoh Tsao Chueh cancelled
28 11 3541 Whereabouts of J. MacLeman
28 11 3542 Whereabouts of Lim King Yin
28 11 3543 Letter from President of Shanghai Special District Court on the subject of cancellation of all warrants for political offenders
28 11 3544 Allegation against CPC 1127 Tong Kyung Soong
28 11 3545 New address of Messrs. Hans Das, representatives for HBM Court case
28 11 3546 Wang Hsiu-Yun, girl student abducted
28 11 3547 Watchmen's pistols - memo of Musketry Officer SMPI
28 11 3548 Shanghai demilitarization plan of SMC and Chinese ratepayers
28 11 3549 Assassination of Detective Superintendent Wong Ping of the Soong Wu Military Headquarters. Shiang Tsoong Fan, Tai Chi, Ma Tso Ching
28 11 3550 Assistance to French Police re proposed communist demonstration
28 11 3552 Disappearance of Liang Taung, 19th Route Army officer from Oriental Hotel. Tsang Ts Kwok, Eu Yang, Toong Lai Kyi, Tseu Sing Tseung, Soo Seu Tau
28 11 3554 James George Steinberg, Russian Jew
28 11 3555 Alleged changing allegiance from China to Manchoko [sic] by the Shanghai Agency of the Chinese Eastern Railway. C. T. Chen, Marshal Chang Hsueh-Liang, Mo-Teh-Hui, Robin E. Zau, L. M. Golfer
28 3558 Newspaper clippings and memoranda re Tass News Agency - change of address
28 11 3563 A war insurance claim. Unpaid translation from Shun Pao
28 11 3564 Enquiry from HBM Consulate General re Cheng Chin Tu, Li Keng Lin, & Chan Chow Seng - communist suspects
28 11 3566 Birthday of HIM the Emperor of Japan - official celebration
28 11 3569 Whereabouts of Captain Davis
28 11 3571 Re confidential reports to Shanghai Power Company
28 11 3575W Whereabouts of Mrs. Dorothy Lee, a.k.a. Forester
28 11 3576 Arrest of Tseu Kwei Ling, Communist, on request of Shanghai Public Safety Bureau
28 11 3577 Information received re the anniversary of International Labour Day - May 1
28 3577(A) Extracts of proceedings in SSD court - various subjects
28 11 3577(B) Facts of proceedings in SSD court - various subjects
29 11 3578 Shanghai Special District Court warrant No. 4202 to arrest Zau Hoong Hoong for being Communist
29 11 3579 Work Resumption Arrangement Committee of the Shanghai District Kiwa Cotton Mills. Chen Ngoeh Loong, Lu Zoong-Sung
29 11 3580 Xenia de Silva, Portuguese of Russian extraction. F. M. W. Robinson, Telenin
29 11 3581 Anniversary of the Tsinan Incident, May 3, 1928
29 11 3582 [No subject]
29 11 3583 Geo. Fung murder case eng. for H.K. police
29 11 3584 Circular orders of arrest of Kao Nee and Yang Han Lih withdrawn. Letter of President of Shanghai No. 1 Special District Court
29 11 3608 Assault on Mr. Quo Tai Chi, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
29 11 3648 Chinese police take over admin. of Chapel, Woosung, etc. - Pas an Ch'u - Greater Shanghai Municipality
29 11 3650 Murder of Zao Tsing Zung, detective of P.S. Bureau by communist assassins 16.5.32. Seizure of ammunition at 296 Thibet Road on 18.7.32 [Folder empty]
29 11 3684 Municipal Advocate's opinion on bookstores selling pro-communist books
29 11 3701 The National Salvation Federation of Various Bodies
29 11 3703 Watch maintained at 111 Route Vallon June 21 and 22, 1932 - house of John M. Murray
29 11 3704 Enquiry re SS Elizabeth Moller, disappearance of Chinese watchman and supervisory Indian watchman
29 11 3708 Whereabouts of D. A. Fowler
29 11 3714 Dmitry L. Makedonsky, deportee from Hong Kong
29 11 3718 Pirates resisted an attempt to search their junk by the packet boat of the Customs cruiser Chuen Tiao. J. Kondrup, Morpeth, Miao Fu.
29 11 3728 Shanghai Telephone Company, strike of mechanics 7.6.32
29 11 3737 Communist and anti-Chiang Kai-Shek publications
29 11 3753 Anti-Japanese movement, 1932-35
29 11 3757 Whereabouts of Harold Knowlton
29 11 3762 Material reported on liquids for use in same, handed in by Supt. Yorke
29 11 3769 The Mei Kwang Match Works
30 11 3771 Memorandum on movements of N. F. Mihailoff, Soviet employee
30 11 3772 List of organizations in Shanghai which are friendly to the anti-Manchukuo forces or otherwise endeavoring to promote hostility to Japan - compiled in July 1932
30 11 3773 Letters & memo re Claude A. Barlow
30 11 3774 Memos & letters re Walter Schwuchow (German subject, American citizenship applied for)
30 11 3776 Report on “Tung Wan Pao” (The Chinese Christian Intelligence)
30 11 3778 Anonymous letters addressed to Central and Bubbling Well Stations
30 11 3781 Yu Lee Zien, alleged opium smuggler
30 11 3802 Dimitry Danilovich Fokin and Larisa Vasilievna Kravchenko alias Kravchenkova
30 11 3803 Memo re men on leave
30 11 3804 Film censorship correspondence
30 11 3830 Mr. T. Sopher's kidnappers
30 11 3851 Newspaper clipping re “Kafing, Nanziang and Lotien are not Within Jurisdiction of Arrest”
30 11 3852 Letter re Yup Yuk
30 11 3853 Japan and China Cotton Mill complaints by dismissed employees of Japanese nationality
30 11 3854 Memorandum on Dr. Reifler
30 11 3855 Disappearance of Liang Tong
30 11 3856 Letter & memo re Boris Grigorievich Marieff and his family
30 11 3857 Report - misappropriation of Hankow notes
30 11 3858 Case against Hyui Se Kung alias Wong Pao Ding and Hu Tung Sheng charged with propagating Communism
30 11 3859 Newspaper clipping and report of removal notice of Kwang Hsueh publishing house to a new location
30 11 3860 Arrest by the Chinese authorities of two female Communists deported from Hong Kong
30 3861 Cr. & Sp. Br. registry page re Dr. Heinrich Benda Eng from Shai Len Chamber of Commerce
30 11 3862 Petition re Wu Chi Chong
30 11 3863 Enquiry from Police Department, Sydney, New South Wales, re Christian Sander
30 11 3865 Letters & memo re Benjamin Morris Donaldson
30 3899A Index to file - sections 1-7
30 11 3902 Communist pamphlets found at main entrance of foreign YMCA July 26/27, 1932
30 11 3904 List of associations engaged in enforcing the anti-Japanese boycott
30 11 3905 Reference the attached list of organizations which exist for the purpose of conducting subversive agitation and which are at present endeavoring to revive the anti-Japanese boycott
30 11 3912 Report re Leonid Shaidouroff
30 11 3913 Report of inquiries re petition of SSD Court by one Yui Tseh Kang
30 11 3914 Report on Peter Galkin, Serge Rogovoy and Jacob Wasserfuehrer
30 12 3922 Federation of Shanghai People to Oppose the Agreement to Cease Hostilities in Shanghai and to Support the Volunteer Armies in the North East, 297 Wei Loh Li, Yunnan Road
30 12 3926 New Chinese daily newspaper to be published on Feb. 12, known as the Zung Pao and will take the place of Chen Pao
30 12 3928 Extract of daily intelligence report dated Oct. 5, 1932. Communist propaganda - result of court proceedings
30 12 3929 Case against Wong Chin San charged with propagating Communism
30 12 3930 Particulars from passport examination form filled in by Dr. Victor Frene (Chinese name: J. B. Fee), reports re Dr. Victor Westharp-Frene
30 12 3934 Report re P. A. Yazikoff
30 12 3936 Attack on the Shanghai Zaria on Aug. 7, 1932
30 12 3938 Case against Tseu Dong Hai charged with propagating Communism
30 12 3940 Case against Yuen Foh Hwa charged with propagating Communism
30 12 3944 Report re one A. Bowick
30 12 3947 Alleged recruiting of White Russians by Nanking Government
30 12 3949 Application for disposal of a quantity of books of a communistic nature
30 12 3956 File re letters from Willi Muenzenberg addressed to Harold R. Isaacs, Dr. Fischer and Dr. Wilhelm
30 12 3960 Communist propaganda - result of court proceedings
30 12 3962 Arrest of communist suspect by Yulin Road Station on Aug. 22, 1932
30 12 3963 Miss N. M. Lanzova-Nevsorova, applicant for letter of character
30 12 3966 Memo on S. L. Meilman [File missing from paper records]
30 12 3967 Request by Mr. M. Hashizume for information re the Kwang Hwa Book Store, 552 Foochow Road
30 12 3969 Red Jacket Protection Corps organized
30 12 3972 Letter from Melcher's & Co. re M. Genkin and G. Genkin
30 12 3974 L. Tatz, Hungarian [File missing from paper records]
30 12 3975 Case against Wang Sau Ding, alias Zoh Wei, charged with propagating Communism
30 12 3979 Despatch No. 686 dated Aug. 31, 1932, from the Shanghai Public Safety Bureau on the subject of an ex-Communist named Zau Jyuin
31 12 4001 Whereabouts of an Italian named H. T. Pawitt
31 12 4002 Report Theil de Collett
31 12 4003 Sept. 18. “National Humiliation Day,” anniversary of occupation of Mukden by Japanese; arrest of male Chinese distributing anti-Japanese pamphlets
31 12 4004 Ct. & Sp. Br. registry re Heinrich Hoffman
31 12 4005 Report re Mr. Louis Puthod, Mr. Antoine Puthod & Michael Seytres concerning importation and sale of fire arms
31 12 4008 Report - S. I. O. Henton & others
31 12 4009 Report re prevention of opium running
31 12 4012 Report by widow of Wu Ding Fong and others re abduction of her husband
31 4014 Report - New York “Nation”
31 12 4015 Regulation of the “Tseng Li Society” with principles very similar to the Chinese Communist Party; translation of extracts from French Police daily intelligence report dated Sept. 10, 1932
31 12 4016 Raid of Japanese consular police in French Concession without authority
31 12 4017 Recognition of the state of Manchukuo, anticipated disturbances
31 12 4019 Erik Friman, transferred to crime register
31 12 4020 General Pan Shung-Chi
31 12 4021 Alexis Lapkovsky, Russian
31 12 4023 Alexander Yakovlvich Griaznoff - Soviet employee
31 12 4024 Arrival of Cantonese notables
31 12 4025 Miss Valentina Chapeau - alias Sharpe Shaposhnikoff-Chapeau
31 12 4028 Report on enquiries re attached anonymous letter concerning hotels and opium
31 12 4030 Communist and pro-communist literature found at No. 7 Tsong Sing Faung, Ward Road, Sept. 7, 1932
31 12 4031 Newspaper clipping & report - “New Japanese Consul General in Shanghai Appointed”
31 12 4032 19th Route Army disbanded - soldiers passage through Shanghai
31 12 4033 Letter from the Netherlands Consulate General re B. M. Fedorenko and A.P. Fedorischeff
31 12 4039 Crime diary - threatening letter
31 12 4040 The Chinese Nationalist-Socialist Party
31 12 4041 Newspaper clipping “More Power in Courts Here Asked by Chinese”
31 12 4042 Japanese naval men - recreation area extended
31 12 4043 Whereabouts of Mr. F. V. Dorf
31 12 4044 Report re assault on Miss K. Hornby by Axel Jacobsen
31 12 4045 Letter - re arrangement of officers
31 12 4046 Deportation of undesirable Japanese
31 12 4047 Letter re George A. W. Krutbaup
31 12 4048 Newspaper clipping & report re departure of Mr. Funarsu, Mr. Gonno and Mr. Tachikawa for Manchukuo
31 12 4049 Receipt of letters re King Nyoh Tseng and Wang Pei Ting
31 12 4050 Repatriation of ex-Korean inspectors of the China General Omnibus Co. and other destitute Koreans for Manchuria and Korea
31 12 4051 Report - breach of Municipal regulations re Special Branch S5
31 12 4052 Report - murder of Admiral Wu Kwang Chung
31 12 4053 Enquiry re Italian subject Di Lorenzo, Guido Carlo
31 12 4054 Pamphlets dropped from aeroplane
31 12 4055 Extract from the intelligence report on Sept. 7, 1932 - Zee Zoong Tao Medicine Shop - strike ended
31 12 4056 Copies of crime diaries - cases arising out of raids or arrests
31 12 4057 Request of Chinese imposs of anti Jap[anese] calendars
31 12 4058 Cr. & Sp. Br. registry D 4058 transferred to Ce. registry C 7100; re disappearance of P.S. Kerridge, Sept. 1932
31 12 4059 U. L. Kochubey, applicant for position of police watchman
31 12 4075 Departure of Herr P. Huldermann, Editor in-Chief of the local German newspaper entitled Ostasiatischer Lloyd
32 12 4100 Summarized translation of a communist handbill, copies of which were found in the Recruits' Training Depot Compound, Gordon Road Station, at 10:00 a.m., Oct. 12, 1932
32 12 4111 The case against Lee Dah Yeu charged with propagating Communism
32 12 4112 General Chiang Kai-Shek's son returns as a result of co-operation between Kuomintang and Communist Party
32 12 4113 Arrest of female Li Siau Mei alias Siau Dau, suspected Communist
32 12 4117 B. J. Hertog, Netherlands subject, lost passport
32 12 4118 The 15th anniversary of October Revolution and the 1st anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Central Soviet Government in China
32 12 4126 Farkas E. complaint by J. S. Isaacs re transferred to Crime regy.
32 12 4127 Regulations governing supervision of dramatic bodies
32 12 4128 D.C. (Divisions) memo re service of watchmen (armed) during dispute between landlords and tenants
32 12 4131 Case against Chien Tou Seu
32 12 4132 Reference advertisement on attached tickets for cigarette smokers
12 4133 Simple camera for station use
32 12 4144 Departure from Shanghai of members of the Japanese peerage
32 12 4149 Assistance to the Chinese authorities, arrest of Woo Lan Ding, Tsen Tong Hai and Tsang Chi Jien on Oct. 23, 1932; search of No. 3442 Robinson Road; seizure of communist literature, Chinese and Japanese
32 12 4151 Newspaper clipping - “Detectives of Fiction and Those in Real Life”
32 4152 Letter from Shanghai Public Safety Bureau re particulars of Masanao Komori
32 12 4153 “Society of New Education”
32 12 4154 Case against Zeng Pah Ming, Tsang Wen Ching, Tsoh Foh Keng, Hu Yuen San, Tei Hsiao Foh, and Tse Ah Ling, charged with spreading rebellious propaganda
32 12 4156 Indecent publication: accused fined $50.
32 4157 Secret report - Mervyn M. Magill
32 12 4158 Translation of official document, No. 69 from Wen Hung En, Chief of the Public Safety Bureau
32 12 4162 Report - thorough investigation of child slave problem made by S.M.C. official
32 12 4165 Regulation concerning state of health of women employed in brothels
32 12 4117 B. J. Hertog, Netherlands subject, lost passport
32 12 4118 The 15th anniversary of October Revolution and the 1st anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Central Soviet Government in China
32 12 4126 Farkas F. complaint by J. S. Isaacs re transferred to Crime regy.
32 12 4127 Regulations governing supervision of dramatic bodies
32 12 4128 D.C. (Divisions) memo re service of watchmen (armed) during dispute between landlords and tenants
32 12 4131 Case against Chien Tou Seu
32 12 4132 Reference advertisement on attached tickers for cigarette smokers
32 12 4133 Simple camera for station use
32 12 4144 Departure from Shanghai of members of the Japanese peerage
32 12 4149 Assistance to the Chinese authorities, arrest of Woo Lan Ding, Tsen Tong Hai and Tsang Chi Jien on Oct. 23, 1932; search of No. 3442 Robinson Road; seizure of communist literature, Chinese and Japanese
32 12 4151 Newspaper clipping - “Detectives of Fiction and Those in Real Life”
32 4152 Letter from Shanghai Public Safety Bureau re particulars of Masanao Komori
32 12 4153 “Society of New Education”
32 12 4154 Case against Zeng Pah Ming, Tsang Wen Ching, Tsoh Foh Keng, Hu Yuen San, Tei Hsiao Foh, and Tse Ah Ling, charged with spreading rebellious propaganda
32 12 4156 Indecent publication: accused fined $50.
32 4157 Secret report - Mervyn M. Magill
32 12 4158 Translation of official document, No. 69 from Wen Hung En, Chief of the Public Safety Bureau
32 12 4162 Report - thorough investigation of child slave problem made by S.M.C. official
32 12 4165 Regulation concerning state of health of women employed in brothels
32 4176 Unrest among workers of the Shanghai Electric
32 12 4176/1 Construction Company, Rolling Stock and Works Department, 676, Whashing Road
32 4176/2
33 13 4201 Newspaper clipping - “The Five Year Plan”
33 13 4203 Memorandum on the movements of M. M. Nemudroff, Soviet employee. Mihail Makelovitch
33 13 4204 Memorandum on the movements of E. A. Sanegin, Soviet employee
33 13 4205 Anonymous letter 9199/369 29.10.32
33 13 4206 Letter from H. De Waal (Batavia) addressed to the Consul General of U.S.S.R., Shanghai, China
33 13 4207 Further report on two threatening letters received by Waung Shi Veng, manager of the Social News Agency
33 13 4211 Anonymous letter against Shanghai nursing home - Dr. Hohlachkin, Dr. Autonomoff, Mrs. Danenberg, Dr. Kusnetzoff, Jasinsky, Rosenzweig, Blumenfeld
33 4212 Interpreter of Japanese military police in possession of a revolver
33 13 4213 Li Gen Ko, Korean. V. R. Kaminsky
13 4214 Report on prosecution of Tsung Ling, alleged assistant editor of the Tung Auh Jih Pao, local vernacular newspaper
13 4216 Activities of the red Mutual Aid Society
13 4221 Report on Captain A. Waard
33 13 4223 Enquiries re No. 99 Yates Rd., Iziang Fung Rice Shop
33 13 4224 Raid on Kwung Long Bookstore, 18 Chekiang Road, re sale of communistic books. Accountant Lee Soh Ming arrested.
33 4238 Documents, Kiaochow Rd. case, November 1932. Description of foreigner suspected of being agent of III International, in touch with Chinese Communists.
33 13 4301 Communist leaflets distributed among Japanese troops/Japanese Communists K. Fukuda, T. Sakamaki, Nishidka alias Kitaoka, Wang Nai An
33 13 4303 K. Fukuda, T. Sakamaki, Nishidka alias Kitaoka, Wang Nai An “Sino-Soviet Research Society.” Chen Ping-Wu, Tsang Nai-Chi, Yui Zoong-Hua, Tso Pah-Ying, Liu Yah Tse, Yang Hang Fuh, Hu Yu Tse, Tso Pah-Ying, Hu Shih alias Hu Shih-Chih, Chen Ping-Wo, Chow Shu Jen/Lu Sing. Confidential despatches from the Public Safety Bureau re communist publication Hsin Chung Koh/New China
33 13 4304 Arrest of Zung Yuen Sung, Communist, on behalf of the Public Safety Bureau of 12.12.32
33 13 4305 Jacques Alfandry, Hungarian, Kenny, P. Kamer, Tso, Lou
33 13 4307 Arrest of N. I. Osipoff, Russian on board of SS Darien Maru at D.K.K. Wharf, Yangtszepoo Road, on 7/12/32.
33 13 4308 Memorandum on the case of Buen Djie-Fo and Tjong Khie-Tjhong, Netherlands subjects of Chinese extraction arrested for communist activity
33 13 4309 Shanghai Municipality Intelligence Office - branch established in the settlement
33 13 4310 Anonymous letter alleging one Zung Vee Ts of being a Communist
33 13 4311 “Wostwag” and Oriental Lading & Engineering Corporation - Soviet firms
33 13 4313 Report on V. K. Koodrevatsoff [File missing from paper records]
33 13 4314 A. A. Vinokouroff, ex-employee of Arcos, a private Soviet firm
33 13 4353 Arrival of Japanese training squadron. Vice Admiral Hyakutake, Capt. Kitaoka
33 13 4354 Victor E. Motz, Russian Jew. Delakovsky, Wishnevsky, Gurevitch, Miss Katie Ackerman
33 13 4376 L. V. Skvirsky, M. M. Lashevich, Mrs. Lashevich, Mrs. Lulah Thompson Skyirsky. [File missing from paper records]
33 13 4377 Complaint of Miss T. E. Boulgakova against former lover M. I. Elkes
34 13 4380 Communist activities - anti-war congress
34 13 4381 Henry Bahr, suspected swindler, leaves Japan for Shanghai
34 13 4382 Marshal Tuan Chi-lui. Sino-Japanese situation in Manchuria
34 13 4383 Cohn Trading Company. Cohn alias Cohen, Baroukh
34 13 4384 Haim Finkelstein alias Burk, member of Palestine Communist Party
34 13 4385 Ex-employees of the commercial press call upon manager
34 13 4396 Madam Fang Yi Sze libel case of Fang Chih. Kan Lai Sun.
34 13 4397 Letter to SMP re appointment of Zau Zung Fam as Chief Detective in Shanghai of Chekiang No. 7 Special District
34 13 4398 Bill from Paulin Hospital to D. I. Papp's wife
34 13 4399 Vignatelli Amleto. Communication from Italian consular authorities I. E. Matreieff.
34 13 4400 Dinner party held on the occasion of Dr. C. T. Wang's mother's 80th birthday
34 13 4402 Landing of pistols and ammunition at Central Wharf
34 13 4404 Anonymous letter to the editor of the North China Daily News
34 13 4407 Extension of buildings of the Japanese naval barracks on Kiangwan Road
34 13 4408 Further report re Mrs. M. W. Reimer. Subject of inquiries from Netherlands Consulate General.
34 13 4410 Possession of communist literature. Arrest of 3 persons: Wong Ming Sha, Wong Dah Foh, Tsang Ts Wu.
34 13 4411 Comrade Lienhard alias Karl Shultz, German Communist
34 13 4412 P. G. Lust, Soviet official
34 13 4413 Albert M. Guptil, U.S.A. citizen
34 13 4415 Letter from the Shanghai Public Safety Bureau re Mrs. Raissa Korkina-Knight
34 13 4419 Confidential letter dated Jan. 14, 1933, addressed to Shanghai Municipal Police re communist publications
34 13 4422 Jan. 28th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese hostilities 1933. 1. Obtaining of communist handbills and usual commemoration meetings. Threatening letters to cinemas demanding 3 days suspension on the occasion. 2. Seizure of communist literature on a public ricksha on North Pokien Road and at 117 Chekiang Road on 24.1.33
34 13 4423 Communist publication entitled “Science Monthly”
34 13 4424 Earl Browder, Secretary of U.S.A. Communist Party /D 4157, IO 7834/
34 13 4427 Russian Merchants and Manufacturers Association
35 13 4428 Vissarion Mihailovitch Maximoff - candidate for SMP (Foreign Branch)
35 13 4429 Report re Victor Mussik
35 13 4431 Dr. Kurt Barth and L. Estublier, Dr. J. P. Ryabine, Zee Tai Kee, Lieu Hun Sun
35 13 4433 Municipal Advocate's report for the year 1932
35 13 4434 Spiritual National Defence Society. Threatening letters received by places of entertainment
35 13 4436 Ernest William Weekes alias Lionel W. Weeks, W. K. Weekes, Mrs. Winifred Griffis, Edgar Olley, Reece Evans, F. G. Weeks, Dr. Abel Vargas
35 13 4437 Confidential letter to SMP re communistic publications from Public Safety Bureau
35 13 4438 Anti-Japanese posters
35 13 4439 Communist circular referring to the surrender of Communists named Zee Shih Keng, et al.
35 13 4440 Arrest of Netherlands subject - Alfred Krasselt, 47 years, M/company manager, 690 Avenue Road
35 13 4442 Li Kya Tshong, former clerk of Chinese post office, wanted for embezzlement of funds of Taiyuan Post Office
35 13 4443 Malayan Communist Party extract from Straits Settlement
35 13 4444 Interviews granted to Chinese pressman by the ex-Communists Hoang Pin, Yui Fei and Hsu Hsi Keng
35 13 4445 Football clubs, students' unions, etc., which are reported to contain radical elements or have leanings towards Communism
35 13 4447 Arrival of alleged undesirables from Japan - Miss R. A. Rogalsky, Mr. J. E. Boulatoff, P. A. Artemieff
35 13 4449 Woosung & Hankow Chinese Pilots Association attempts to force foreign shipping firms to engage pilots through this organization. E. B. Moller, Chang Sue Cheng, Yang Hong Sung.
35 13 4450 A study of the civic administration of the International Settlement of Shanghai. Article from Shun Pao Monthly Magazine.
35 13 4453 Arrest & extradition to the Chinese authorities of 2 suspected Communists, Ling Soo Sung, Zi Foh Sung
35 13 4454 Fracas between members of the Public Safety Bureau and 3 suspected Communists at house No. 5, Lane 56, Medhurst Road, on Feb. 1, 1933. Suspects arrested.
35 13 4455 Soviet Embassy and Soviet Consulate in Shanghai. D. V. Bogomoloff, E. M. Oshanin, and others
35 13 4456 Reactionary publications entitled Kuo Houn, Hsin Kin, and Min Sen
35 13 4457 Translations of articles concerning the Noulens case
35 13 4459 List of 51 principal Communists arrested by SMP in 1932
35 13 4460 Importers of arms and ammunition
35 13 4461 Assassination of Wang Wei San, journalist at Nanking
35 13 4462 Lottery conducted by the National Carbon Company
35 4463 Enquiries in connection with Claude Fitzroy Lloyd, room 247, Sassoon House
35 4464 Ct. & Sp. Br. Registry - China Law Directory Co.
35 13 4485 Report on Syngman Rhee, President of the Korean Provisional Government in 1919
35 13 4486 Miss Dona Kaminskaya
35 13 4487 Enquiries from Hong Kong police re one Leit Buxdorf, alias Leib Booksdorff, alias Leo Boogsdorff
35 4490 File re the movement of Soviet ships
35 13 4491 Confidential letter from the manager of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, New York Branch, re Victor Kochetov
35 13 4493 Mrs. Helen Kathleen or Catleen or Katzen-Ellenbojen, M. Barde, Albert Kish, Dr. Rosenberg
35 13 4498 Arrival of George Bernard Shaw in Shanghai
35 13 4499 Letter from Public Safety Bureau re communist publication Modern Civilization
35 13 4501 N. M. Sytin, Soviet merchant
35 13 4507 Max Bund, German Communist Paul Metzner, Mrs. E. Metzner
35 13 4511 Japanese communist activity in Shanghai. Louw Hwe-Touw, father of Louw Hap-le alias “Java” informer. Tan Malacca Josef Hassan, Darsano, Louw Hwe-Touw.
35 13 4518 Communist meeting in Western Chapel re transient “Tai Kung” strike at NWK No. 2 cotton mill
35 13 4524 Economical section of Centrosojus reported to be connecting link between the Soviet GPU and the Chinese Communist Party. B. P. Kozloff, H. W. Holland, N. M. Lifahoff, B. P. Torgashoff, Mrs. M. Rogalsky. [File missing from paper records]
35 4528 List of foreign newspaper correspondents in Shanghai
35 13 4537 George Gregorieff alias George Gregory - enquiries from U.S.A. Consulate General
35 13 4542 Shanghai expedition to North West - Kong Tien-Koo, Col. Schomberg
36 13 4543 Illegal functioning by Chinese authorities 30.4.34 to May 1937
36 4543/17 Arrest of Tsze Siao Mao, suspected Communist
36 4545 Assassinations and/or attempted assassinations in the settlement for which the Communist Party is believed to have been responsible. Chow Ong Lai, Koo Cheng Chang, Wong Loo Deuts alias Wong Koh Vee.
36 13 4546 Zung Zau Chien wanted by the Chinese authorities for communist activities/ Formosan Jap[anese] subject
36 13 4548 Ervin Rybar Fromm, Czechoslovak, and others re detention of Russians by the SCG police
36 13 4549 The law of our country to be applied in litigation between Chinese and Americans
36 13 4550 Details re foreigners known to be in touch with Chinese Communists in Shanghai
36 13 4552 D. Lichinsky, Russian Jew. A. Lichinsky
36 13 4554 Enquiry from Netherlands Consulate General re one Alfred Holts, Austrian
36 13 4583 Inspector of Social Bureau sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for attempted fraud. Mr. Stewart R. Price, American.
36 13 4606 Activities of the People's Self Salvation Association to Resist Insults
36 14 4611 Nanyang Bros. Tobacco Factory dispute between management and workers. Special Branch reports.
37 4626 The kidnapping of a Korean
37 14 4633 Aviation construction contribution of General Labour Union and Chamber of Commerce [File 4638 on microfilm]
37 4638 Opium robbery at North Honan Rd. on Oct. 2, 1932
37 14 4656 Activities of Chinese YMCA students, political/or anti-Japanese
37 14 4665 Russian Daily News (Novosti Dnia), editor: V.A. Chilikin
37 14 4683 List of public organizations in Shanghai
37 14 4685 Blue Shirts Society
37 14 4685© [Missing]
37 14 4701 Confidential dispatch from PSB to SMP re communist activities among the local unemployed and refugees
37 14 4704 Movements of Mr. K. Yoshizawa
37 14 4705 Arrest of 3 Communists Seng Ching Tao, Zeng Lee and Zeng Seng Sz at No. 402 Annam Road on 31.3.33
37 14 4708 Local Reds to celebrate the alleged recent victories of the Chinese Red Army
37 14 4709 Enquiries re Mrs. Bryant, alias Mrs. Maxine Maria Guedes
37 14 4710 Distribution of Japanese forces in Shanghai
37 14 4712 Copy of a letter from the Kwang Hwa Book Co., Shanghai, addressed to the International Literature, Moscow
37 14 4717 Letter dated Apr. 1, 1933, addressed to Shanghai Municipal Police re Chinese female Communist Chao Yu Tse
37 14 4718 Foreign agents of III International - suspected Soviet agents domiciled in Shanghai
37 14 4722 Anti-Japanese organization abduct 17 Chinese for dealing with Japanese
37 14 4723 Communist pamphlet entitled “The Vanguard,” issue No. 12, dated 10.3.33, containing “Regulations Governing the Secrecy of Party Activities”
37 14 4724 Nazi movement in Shanghai. Translation from the Far Eastern Observer. Spotlight from the International Communist World Congress of Moscow by P. Paelz, Shanghai - Sept. 1, 1936.
37 14 4724A Newspaper clippings and translations on the German Economic Mission to the Far East
37 14 4726 The kidnapping of Lee Chun San, Korean
37 14 4729 Shanghai sharks/money lenders
37 14 4732 Report on management and staff of the Imperial Hotel, 941 Bubbling Well Road
37 14 4733 Movements of Rear Admiral Idemitsu, aide-de-camp to HIM Emperor of Japan
37 14 4734 P. A. Libanoff, manager of the Shanghai Branch of United Petroleum Trust of U.S.S.R. (Soycuzneft); Novikoff V., employee of Harbin branch of Centrosojus. [File missing from paper records]
37 14 4736 Chan Yuen Sang, member of Communist Youth League, subject of letter from HBM Consulate General dated 6.4.33
37 14 4739 James Dolan
37 14 4740 J. H. Smart, Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd. - re letter from HBM Consulate General dated 8.4.1933
37 14 4743 Arrest of 3 Communist suspects in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, N. Honan Road. Loo Tsaung Loong, Womg Tuh, Tsui Ying.
37 14 4744 Wong Tsoong Hwo in possession of communist literature. Heu Tsang Sung
37 14 4745 Assistance to SPSB to arrest two suspected Communists. Tsang Ong Lai, Au Sai Ts.
37 14 4746 History of the efforts made in Shanghai by the Communists to undermine the loyalty of the foreign defence forces and the Municipal Police
37 14 4748 Kirienko, N., connected with the Soviet Consulate; Kirienko, Zina, expelled from Tsingtao in 1931 for communist propaganda among American sailors; Kraslavsky, C. M., Soviet agent; Malnach, J. I., Rivkin, custodian of Soviet Consulate; G. E. Berry - Popoff alias G. Popoff-Peipin, suspected Soviet agent.
37 14 4748(con.) Tishevsky, J., member of GPU; Stroganoff, attached to Soviet Consulate; Pilavin, M., former employee of Centrosojus; Pilavin, Mrs. A., previous wife of Mamentoff, S.; Salnik, M. N., Soviet courier; Dobrohotoff, M. S., employee
37 14 4749 Re Shanghai Jewish Club premises, 1623 Avenue Road, being taken over by Shanghai University, and other activities
37 14 4753 The abolition of the Tael
37 14 4754 Alleged attempt to assassinate M. R. Bogomoloff, Soviet Ambassador to China
38 14 4756 Anniversary of General Chiang Kai-Shek's anti-communist campaign, Apr. 12, 1927
38 14 4758 Instruction memo 10/33 to DDOS and all senior detectives re rape and indecent assault and sodomy cases
38 14 4760 Yankel Souritz - transferred to CB registry E 795
38 14 4761 A. P. Turin, Soviet employee - V. G. Platoff
38 14 4762 Kurt Gerhardt Gurski, German - Golda Fishman, A. N. Gurski
38 4770 Sun Yat-Sen and the Soviet
38 14 4771 Summary re J. Sanchez, Spanish L. K. Kentwell, George A.
38 14 4772 Important excerpts from communistic evidence in three volumes. Compiled by Chekiang High Court. 1. Relation between the 3rd International & CCP 2. CCP & Communist Youth League 3. System of organization of CCP & CYL 4. Secrecy in the CCP & CYL
38 14 4773 Assistance to Special Branch Headquarters on communist raid
38 14 4775 Anonymous letter denouncing one Zee Pao, teacher, as being a Communist
38 14 4776 Case against Chen Sih Jue
38 14 4777 Activities of Vicenti Pinto
38 14 4778 Shanghai Foreign Residents Association
38 14 4781 Assistance to Chinese authorities - unsuccessful attempt to arrest a communist suspect named Yang Ah Zai
38 14 4782 V. G. Rondakoff, applicant for certificate of character
38 14 4783 J. Sanchez re gambling
38 14 4784 Case of Zung Zai Woo - extradition to Chinese authorities for communist activity - alias Lau Zung
38 14 4787 Yakir Shutte, Brazilian citizen; Emanuel Sosicher
38 14 4793 [Paper records: further report in connection with the articles relative to the treatment of Chinese in the Netherlands East Indies appearing in the China Weekly Review, the China Press and the Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury. Microfilm: enquiry from the Dutch Consulate re identity of Oey Kang Lim or Oey Kang Liu.]
38 14 4795 Enquiry re Doria Ivanoff alias Mary Ivanoff
38 14 4796 Noises heard in the Embankment Building believed to have emanated from a radio transmitting set
38 14 4797 Reforming of political offenders. Regulations governing the surrender of Communists. Committee for Re-Education of Political Prisoners.
38 14 4798 Enquiry re V. I. Bondareff, labourer in the Russian Labour Company attached to RASC Supply Depot, Tifeng Road
38 14 4799 Baron Alex Furmanento
38 14-15 4801/1-7 Arrest of suspected Communists during anniversary of International Labour Day, May 1, 1933
38 15 4805 Farmers and Labour News Agency
38 15 4806 James Stephen Dolan, suspected arms dealer and drug smuggler
38 4807 Peter Evdokimovitch Altuhoff, Soviet employee
38 15 4808 Enquiries re L. F. G. Mirabel (French)
38 15 4809 Prosecution of editor of the Shanghai Daily News for publishing articles detrimental to public order, i.e. anti-Japanese
38 15 4810 Assistance to Chinese authorities - attempt to arrest Siao Yoong Sung
38 4811 SMP cross reference slip re Den Za alias B. Williams
38 15 4812 Reorganization of the Intelligence staff of the Japanese consular police in Shanghai
38 15 4815 Importation of munitions of war
38 15 4830 Czechoslovak Association in China
38 4832 Jdanoff, Nicholas M. - present whereabouts
38 15 4833 Memorandum on the movements of Miss Ap. P. Tishevsky, Soviet employee
38 15 4834 Memo re the debts of John Sandor
38 15 4835 Pan Asiatic Movement
38 15 4836 B. Szentvay alias Gyula (Julius) Turcsani, Dr. A. Zimmerman Chapelain, Paul Komor, Laslo Walla. [File missing from paper records]
39 15 4837 Absconded female Zee Sih Pad, wife of Lee Veng Chu. Letter from PSB to SMP.
39 15 4838 Canadian Pacific Express traveler's cheques secured by Mrs. William Fortune by means of forged bank draft
39 15 4841 S. M. Brinberg alias Bronberg alias Brenberg, Polish Jew. F. V. Shihman, J. Ifland, Mrs. M. J. Mizrahi, nee Rikoff.
39 15 4842 Society for the Relief of Very Aged Russian Emigrants
39 15 4843 Lost or stolen arms, AA order
39 15 4844 The May 4 and May 5 anniversaries
39 15 4845 Interview with Mr. Frederick Thomas re communist propaganda among British troops in Shanghai
39 15 4846 Communist handbills on the anniversary of the submitting of the “21 Demands” by Japan to China
39 15 4847 The boycott of Japanese fish
39 15 4848 Note on office procedure forms of correspondence
39 15 4849 Case against Ling Zoong Kwei, alleged Communist arrested on Broadway on 7.5.1933
39 15 4850 Bisjberg, Henry, Dane. Nien Wen-Yuen, Chinese.
39 15 4851 Anniversary of the acceptance of Japan's 21 Demands
39 15 4852 Enquiry from Inspector General of Police, Hong Kong, re Miss E. L. Aksenova
39 15 4853 C. Baroumis, N. Zannos, Dr. Spurgatis, E. P. Yannoulatos
39 15 4854 John McKinley, British - arrested in Kobe in connection with ammunition shipment
39 15 4855 Letter from the Inspector General of Police, Hong Kong, re Michael Zoobridsky
39 15 4856 Report re G. P. Yastreb - Shanghai Art Advertising and Illustrating Co. - publishing of the “Shanghai Daily Advertising Bulletin”
39 4858 Proposed meeting under the auspices of the Shanghai Esperantists' League on July 14, 1937, in celebration of the 6th anniversary of the establishment
39 4859 Report re a few reviews of contested documents and forgeries
39 15 4860 SMP report re Philip Zetterland, Swedish subject
39 15 4861 Activities of A. J. Avramov and L. Shapirtic
39 15 4862 R. S. M. Anderson alias Roy Anderson alias Davis Anderson alias R. S. Anderson 2nd
39 15 4863 SMP report re Boris Bomze, suspected Soviet agent
39 15 4865 Report concerning the larceny of diamonds
39 15 4869 Memorandum on suspected abduction of residents of Yuin Road District by agents of the Chinese authorities
39 15 4870 SMP report re Mrs. M. L. Rojdestvensky nee Margerite Baginsky
39 4873 SMP report on assassination plot
39 4919 Report on Japanese associates of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
39 4920 [Missing]
38 4990 Enquiries re Gensburger family
39 15 4993 Reports made by D. I. Kuh Pao-Hwa and clerk Zung Zoong-Oen re visits of the late Ma Shao-Wu to office of section 2 on June 10 and 14, 1933
39 15 5002A Russian Emigrants Committee [2 folders: 1937-1941, 1941-1944]
40 15 5002 Comment on the situation in the Russian community in connection with the registration of the Russian Emigrants' Committee with the Chinese authorities
40 5021 Note: see D 7042
40 5024 Report re Morrison trial: ex-Centrosojus employee outspoken in charges against Soviet firm
40 5030 SMP Special Branch re Zirkel, Mrs. Greta, German, and Zeisner-Wilhelm, German
40 15-16 5032 Japanese shrines (2) on Kiangwan Road. Dedication to Japanese soldiers fallen in Shanghai hostilities, 1932
40 16 5038 China General Omnibus Co. labour cable, 1940
40 16 5044 Abolition of Municipal orchestra advocated. The activities of a Korean Communist at Taiyuan. Enquiries re Gensburger family.
40 5072 Copy of newspaper clipping entitled “Shanghai to Hold Anti-War Meet”
40 16 5085 Alleged diamond smuggling into Shanghai Kalyk alias Kolinienko re Communist Youth League
40 16 5114
40 16 5127 James Langston Hughes. . .American Negro intellectual
40 5200 [Missing]
40 16 5214 “Appeal of the Chinese Communist Party,” translation from New Shanghai Life, July 22, 1923; “Chinese Communist Manifesto,” newspaper clipping from the North China Daily News, July 21, 1923. [File missing from paper records]
40 16 5226 Compensation for the family of the late Huang Yung Hua
40 5239 Glass, C. F., British; Greenfield, E., maybe Austrian; Gaulin, C. H., Granich, Max, Granich, Grace, Gohdes, G., German. [List of names only]
40 16 5265 Belgian baroness named Pidoll or De Pidoll commits suicide by taking veronal. Sir Frederick White is the principal witness.
40 16 5272 Proposed establishment of a gambling den at Passage 100, House 10, Route De Say Zoong
40 16 5293 Chung Kuo Seamen's General Labour Union pamphlets distributed
41 16 5300 Licensed brothels - French Concession
41-42 16-17 5310 Press cuttings re SHP Co. strike - Shanghai Power Company (SPC) labour situation. (September-December 1933). Includes index to file, Shanghai Power Company strike.
42 17 5364 Applications for enrollment - Transport Company, SVC
42 17 5377 Mustafa Osman Bey alias S. M. Osmand Bey
42 17 5378 Mrs. E. A. Manjosova alias Mrs. D. Manjosova
42 17 5383 Revised regulations governing private schools
42 17 5385 Enquiry from the Netherlands Consulate General re Miss E. Lovreglio
42 17 5386 16th anniversary of the Soviet rule in the U.S.S.R.
42 17 5388 Communist propaganda among foreign naval and military forces in Shanghai
42 17 5390 V. A. Yakhonoff, author of the book entitled The Chinese Soviets
42 17 5391 V. V. Voloshin, candidate for position of police watchman
42 17 5392 Richard David Tidy and Dora Alice Beck (absconded nurse from isolation hospital, Shanghai) further information supplied
42 17 5393 Anti-war congress - “Foreign Languages Research Society”
42 17 5402 Exhibit of alleged indecent photos of naked white women at 292 Woosung Road
42 17 5404 M. V. Elistratoff and G. G. Tchinin alias Tychinin “round the world” travellers
42 17 5405 A visa for admission into Netherlands India was issued to Mr. and Mrs. Miquel Covarrubias, of Mexican nationality
42 17 5408 Whereabouts V. N. Palitza
42 17 5409 Lecture at the foreign YMCA on Oct. 31, 1933, on “The Chinese Soviet Republic in Southern Kiangsi”
42 17 5411 Enquiries concerning Jules Kutron
42 17 5412 Communication from the French police re a Communist named Pan Bock Liang
42 17 5413 “Red Flag,” issue No. 60, dated Oct. 15, 1933
42 17 5416 M. T. Extureff, applicant for enlistment in Russian Regt. SVC
42 5418 Newspaper clippings re “The Body Beautiful,” “The Beauty of the Female Form,” “Vagabond Bookshops Banned,” “Bureau Frowns Darkly on Dirt,” “Obscenity, Folklore Quashed”
42 17 5419 Enquiries concerning troupe of performers named Pirez, Minescos and Stanescos who desire to proceed to Netherlands India
42 18 5422 Includes covering index
42 18 5422(A) Meetings, organizations of Jewish emigrants in Shanghai, 1939-1944 [Vol. I]
43 5422(B) Meetings, organizations of Jewish emigrants in Shanghai, 1939-1944 [Vols. II-III]
17-18 5422(C) Central European Jews, arrival in Shanghai, list of professions, camp statistics, etc.; immigration certificates and endorsement of identification. Arbitration Board for European emigrants; index; Central European refugees Landing Permits; regulations of non-Jewish entries; Central European refugee expulsions; registration, Hongkew area; Central European refugee arrivals from Japan; misc.
18 5422(E) Immigration, new arrangements
43 5423 Mrs. Margarete Kann, foreign communist sympathizer
43 18 5453 Report on Dr. J. P. Ryabine [File missing from paper records]
43 18 5454 Attacks on bookstores, newspaper offices, etc. by Communists & anti-Communists. [Includes covering index]
43 18 5456 Communist propaganda found in Y'Poo and Louza Districts
43 18 5462 Case against Yang Ts Daung alias Lau Zung, charged with being a Communist
43 18 5463 Efforts to locate the premises of the bi-monthly periodical entitled the Road to Life
43 18 5464 Report dated Dec. 5, 1933, on “Alleged Arrest by the Local Chinese Military Authorities of a Russian named Skuratoff on Suspicion of Espionage”
43 18 5465 Rice Shop Owners' Guild - receives instructional order purporting to have emanated from local Kuomintang headquarters
43 18 5466 Dunn, alleged member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
43 18 5467 Enquiry from Netherlands Consulate General re Miss L. Zinger
44 18 5471 Ukrainian Committee, 1933-43. See also D 8157 and F 10
44 18 5472 Miss I. I. Kleiner, ex-Soviet employee
44 18 5474 History sheet of Herr Leopold Weiss alias Mohammad Asad Ullah Vyce, an Austrian convert to Muhammadism
44 18 5476 Miss F. R. Kaffel, ex-Soviet employee
44 18 5477 Meeting of members of the Anti-Imperialism Federation
44 18 5478 Meeting of University Professors and Staff Employees' Federation
44 18 5480 Communist propaganda found in Louza District on 19.11.33. Communist propaganda found in Pootoo Road District on 18.11.33.
44 18 5482 Collection of Chinese papers for censoring purposes
44 18 5483 Max Ulmann, subject of enquiry from HBM Consulate General dated 20.11.33.
44 18 5484 Arrival of R. Tim, Soviet diplomatic official
44 18 5485 Arrival of I. Odign alias Odin, Soviet employee
18 5488 Antecedents of Russian female dance ticket vendor named Anna Spiridovna Stepanova, alias Stepennova
44 18 5493 Disappearance of a left wing writer named Liu Kien-Nan
44 18 5498 Case against Yue Zai Tsoong alias Lau Kwauh and Yue Zung Sze charged with propagating Communism
44 18 5499 Anniversary of the Canton uprising
44 18 5500 Newspaper clippings and report re Carlos Orlando Danenberg alias Orly - British subject
44 18 5501 Translation from French police report dated June 14, 1944. The Canton government issues a warrant for the arrest of Gaston Wang and his consorts.
44 19 5502 Departure of N. A. Reshetoff, Soviet employee
44 19 5503 Arrival of S. A. Funtikoff, Soviet citizen
44 19 5504 J. Nossoff, applicant for bodyguard license
44 19 5505 Reuter - Haddon sentenced to prison term - claimed mother had been secretly married to the Duke of Clarence
44 19 5506 Case against Ling Tse Ching alias Tseu Lien Woo charged with being a Communist
44 19 5507 Information on persons constituting the management of the International Intelligence Service
19 5509 Enquiry from the Dutch Consulate General re Mr. Z. Shevschook and Mrs. I. Shevschook
44 19 5511 Josef Ruimer, Austrian Jew, subject of enquiry from the British Consulate General
44 19 5512 V. M. Loseff, applicant for bodyguard license
44 5513 Release of Japanese arrested in connection with the distribution of handbills denouncing Japanese officials, and the issue of deportation order against them
44 19 5515 Vladimir Fedorovitch Komarnitsky - applicant for enlistment in Russian Company SVC
44 19 5516 Interview with V. A. Ornatsky, suspected of being responsible for dinner party hoax at the Majestic Cafe
44 5518 Alexander Sergeyevich Makeyeff, Russian investigation re citizenship of U.S.S.R.
44 5522 Letter addressed to the Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Council from Dr. E. P. H. Hibert
44 19 5523 A. A. Vassilieff, candidate for position of police watchman
44 19 5524 23 books were seized and were to be confiscated by the court and proved to be of a communistic nature
44 19 5526 Arrival of L. Fukelman, Soviet citizen
44 19 5527 Roscoe L. Hambleton, an American citizen . . .subject to a claim made against him by Lawrence Impey, a British subject . . .for M.$10,000
44 19 5529 Newspaper clippings: “Martin Case Dismissed”
44 19 5530 Memorandum on A. J. Gartman (Hardman), Soviet journalist
44 19 5531 Arrest of the wife of Chen Keng, former agent of Chinese GPU
44 19 5532 Conspiracy between Yueh-Sung and Soviet authorities
44 5533 Report re Miss Ida Francis Counurier Treat
44 19 5535 Enquiry from local Netherlands Consulate General re whereabouts of one Chin Shih Hou
44 19 5537 Alleged appointment of two former officers of the Berlin police force to posts as reorganizers of a police force in China
44 19 5540 M. N. Stankoff, candidate for position of police watchman
44 19 5541 Special enquiry - the recent communist activities in Shanghai
44 19 5542 The strength of the foreign units in Shanghai
44 19 5543 AIL - Miss Muriel Lester, British Anti-Imperialism League
44 19 5567 Enquiry from British Consulate General re A. C. Becker
44 5572 Max Chittau, German. Born at Cottbus, Germany. . .travelling with ostensible purpose of studying the manners and customs of different countries. Defaut, Ransom Vernon. . .pleasure trip to Shanghai
44 19 5589 Letter from HBM Consulate General re communist suspect Tong Chun I
44 19 5599 Statement of Kim Kai San, Korean who was deported to Korea on Jan. 2, 1934
19 5603 Ernest B. Halpern, Austrian artist
19 5605 Comment on “Osaka Asahi” report re arrival of Kasakarafski and other Soviet agents
44 19 5607 Communist literature dispatched to Shanghai by Messers. Martin Lawrence, London
44 19 5608 Movements of Dr. P. L. Manniche
44 19 5610 Anti-Imperialism and anti-Kuomintang propaganda
44 19 5611 Newspaper clippings re “Scotland Yard Spurred by Crime”
44 19 5612 Application from Mr. A. E. Golubeff for assistance
44 19 5613 Mrs. Zosia C. Sutterle nee Yelowitsky
44 19 5615 Newspaper clippings on what is banned in “Asia”
44 19 5617 Propaganda in favor of cosmopolitanism
44 19 5618 Case against Kan Ching Ming alias Kan Ching Zung charged with being a Communist
44 19 5619 P. G. Tudvaseff, applicant for bodyguard licence
44 19 5621 Mei Foong Silk Weaving Factory - (Chinese) strike situation
44 19 5622 Letter from Swiss Consulate General enclosing a document to be served on Mr. Gottlieb Rehmann
44 19 5624 Communist propaganda obtained by the Municipal Police in Western Chapel on Jan. 10, 1934
44 19 5625 Case against Zung Loh Sheng alias Nyien Ts Zung alias Woo Kyung Sieu, and Tsang Ih Sing alias Zung Foo alias Waung Yah Dah, charged with propagating Communism
44 19 5626 Discovery of communist literature at No. 471 Tong Sheo Fung, Range Road on 26.1.34.
44 19 5627 Newspaper clipping: “Owen Lattimore is New 'Pacific Affairs' Editor”
44 19 5629 Room 344, Continental Emporium Building, 229 Nanking Road
44 19 5631 Pro-communist propaganda - result of court proceedings
44 19 5634 Communication dated 10.9.40 from the British Consulate General concerning Mr. Levin
44 19 5636 Anniversary of the death of Lenin - Jan. 21
44 19 5638 Communist handbills in Japanese found off Scott Road on Jan. 4
44 19 5639 K. Pidrikson and J. Umblia, Soviet diplomatic couriers
45 19 5641 The memorial ceremony held in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce
45 19 5642 Anonymous letter re communist suspects
45 19 5644 Case against Woo Kya Liang alias Lau Wang alias Wong Tsung charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5645 Rumoured transfer of Mayor Wu Teh Cheng from Shanghai
45 19 5646 Case against Lao Yang alias Ling Su Ying alias Li Mei Lee charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5647 Case against Sung Kwan Soo charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5648 Case against Wong Chaun Lai alias Wong Yue Bi charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5649 Case against Chui Ling alias Tse Ou Zang alias Tse Ming Wah charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5650 Case against Tsu Yun charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5651 Case against Huang Ih Ling alias Lau Li alias Lao Pa Ts charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5652 Case against Fu Tsung Sung alias Ling Poo Iung alias Lau Poo charged with propagating Communism
45 19 5654 Liang Sze Jang and Tsai Chi Seng, reference letter from Netherlands Consulate General dated Jan. 15, 1934
45 19 5655 Letter dated Jan. 9, 1934, from the HBM Consulate General re Yih Dah Tsung
45 5656 F. W. Timm, subject of enquiry from the German Consul General
45 19 5657 Intelligence report - political - movement of notables to & from Nanking
45 19 5658 Communication dated Dec. 6, 1935, from the Belgian Consulate General re Charles I. Peters
45 5659 Candidates for enlistment with specials SMP
45 19 5660 Letter from Hot Water Shop Owners' Association containing allegation against Hot Water Trade Guild
45 19 5661 Dispute over unloading of rice on Soochow Creek, Bureau of Social Affairs attempts to mediate.
45 5662 Activities of G. A. Ravve, Soviet citizen
45 19 5663 Economy estimates 1934 - new furniture, etc.
45 19 5664 Conference of International Buddhists
45 19 5665 Newspaper clipping re “Employment - Salvation Army Report Draws Attention to Fact That Chinese and Shanghai-Born Youths Are Taking Over Foreign Positions”
45 19 5666 Publishers' Union Ltd, 54/6 Nanking Road, seizure of communistic literature
45 19 5667 Case against Zau Dien Poo alias Lau Wong alias Koo Zung Yuen alias Zau Voong Yoh charged with being a Communist
45 19 5668 Bicycle Repair and Hire Trade Association meeting
45 19 5669 Article re Sikh policemen in Sin Wan Pao of Feb. 3
45 19 5670 The situation in Nantao. Registration of ricksha coolies in the French Concession.
45 19 5671 China Front Line Disabled & Wounded Sanitorium
45 19 5672 Chinese Ratepayers' Association (French Concession) receives letter from Hotel Owners' Association and other corres.
45 19 5672A Second Special District Citizens' Federation
45 5673 Bubbling Well Temple re movement to eject abbot to Win Of
45 19 5674 Trouble between loafers and representatives of mosquito newspaper
45 19 5675 Return for cancellation of warrants Nos. 1300 and 1301
45 19 5678 Woodcraft Works, Limited
45 19 5679 Communist propaganda obtained in Western Chapel
45 19 5680 Communist propaganda found in the Eastern District
45 19 5681 Letter from “Chekiai Agency” requesting information re registration
45 19 5682 Arrest of a communist suspect named Tsang Vung Lih alias Tsang Tsung Hwa on Annam Road 13.2.34
45 19 5686 Removal into International Settlement of boarding house of Mrs. M. Pashe patronized by Soviet employees
45 19 5687 Re male Chinese arrested in possession of pamphlets on East Yuhang Road on 17.2.34
45 19 5688 Enquiry from Netherlands Consulate General re one Philippovitch
45 19 5689 A. I. Kopeliovich, Soviet employee
45 19 5693 Case against Tsha Ts Yuen alias Tsha Dah Yoong alias Lau Tsai and Ling Sz Chong, charged with being Communists
45 19 5695 Miss Lorraine Murray alias Lorraine Lee
45 19 5697 Gen. Von Seeckt, recently China adviser, passes
46 19 5700 Otaman Semenoff's organization in Shanghai
46 19 5701 Arrest of two communist suspects by Uniform Branch, Chengtu Road, in assistance to the Bureau of Public Safety
46 19-20 5703 Reference. . .file (and photographs) relative to Amir Hamza Siregar
46 20 5704 Enquiry from British Consulate General re Chernick (Czernik)
46 20 5706 B. I. Semenoff, candidate for position of police watchman
46 20 5711 Case against Iung Kyi Hau alias Jung Pao Kong charged with being a Communist
46 20 5713 Celebration of the 35th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Mukden by local Japanese
46 20 5714 M. E. Gilcher, lawyer of the United Petroleum Trust of U.S.S.R. (Soyuzneft)
46 20 5721 Professor Ho Tsung Ya alias Asia Ho Dzing Ya
46 5722 Transferred to D 7042 (7.4.34)
46 20 5725 Detective Sergeant A. Beloshenko, prisoner escort
46 20 5729 “New Life Movement”
46 20 5731 Communist suspect named Lau Lee
46 20 5734 Letters dated Aug. 8 and 20, 1934, from the Netherlands Consulate General re identity of Lim Khe-Dok alias Lim Kek-Dok
46 20 5741 Communication dated 8.2.35 from the Netherlands Consulate General re Professor Tandler and Dr. Bergmann
46 20 5744 Reorganization of the Chung Nyi Association
45 20 5746 Reports re Soviet newspaper The New World
45 20 5748 Case against Wong Wei alias Wang Kie Bing, charged with being a Communist
47 20 5752 M. P. Kulchitsky and son, Soviet Russians
47 20 5753 Anonymous letter dated Mar. 8, 1934, addressed to West Hongkew Station reporting alleged communist base
47 20 5755 Communist propaganda - result of court proceedings
47 20 5756 Dispute between a Chinese policeman and a French employee of the CMF over the jurisdiction of Extra Settlement Road
47 20 5757 Arrest of vendors of indecent postcards
47 20 5758 Shanghai Labourers' Club
47 20 5759 Report on strike at the Wha Tung Electrical and General Engineering Works, 959 Point Road
47 5760 Yuan is sentenced to one year and three months imprisonment
47 20 5761 Social function held by D. V. Bogomoloff, U.S.S.R. Ambassador to China
47 20 5762 Execution of search warrant No. 1848 and warrant of arrest No. 1846 issued by Judge Feng at the request of the Public Safety Bureau
47 20 5763 Performance of the Tien Zeu Theatre
47 20 5764 See D 5762
47 20 5765 Ordure contract in Chinese-controlled territory
47 20 5766 Piracy of Jardine's steamer
47 20 5767 Leonid Alexandrovitch Granat, Soviet employee, and Miss Alexandra Vassilievna Leonova left Hong Kong for Shanghai
47 20 5768 S.A. Sakhnin alias Zabounin, Soviet employee
47 20 5769 Memorandum on E. S. Ginsbourg (Ginsburg), Soviet employee
47 5770 Miss A. V. Leonova, Soviet employee
47 20 5771 Spring Festival Celebration held at the Shanghai Shrine, Apr. 3, 1937
47 20 5772 Threatening letter received by T. L. Chao, engineer of Shanghai Power Co., 24.3.34
47 20 5773 Chinese Culture Reconstruction Cooperative Association
47 20 5774 Newspaper clippings re movements of W. M. Bickerton
47 20 5776 Proposed communist demonstration on Mar. 29, 1934
47 20 5777 Newspaper clipping & memo re arrival of a Soviet journalist V. Volynsky
47 20 5778 French authorities to restrict the activities of loafers in factories; Chinese Chamber of Commerce requests prohibition of extortion by loafers
47 20 5779 Communist propaganda found in Western Chapei
47 20 5780 Labour trouble at the Tsoung Tai Rubber Factory, 33 Dalny Road
47 20 5781 Mayor of Tsingtao entertained: dinner British American Tobacco Company
47 20 5782 Communication dated 19.7.37 from the Netherlands Consulate General concerning J. J. Potting.
47 20 5783 Student cadets return from Chinkiang Arkady Beeman, Soviet employee Peter Sitlin, Soviet employee
47 20 5784 Celebration of the Flower Festival by the Japanese Buddhist Sunday School Federation on Apr. 4, 1937
47 20 5785
47 20 5786
47 20 5787 Information relating to the arrest by the Municipal Police of eight Communists, April 6-7, 1934; execution of warrants Nos. 1940, 1939, and 1941 issued by Judge Feng at the request of the Bureau of Public Safety; further report
47 20 5788 Arrest of M. I. Nojin by the Public Safety Bureau on board the SS Tsingtao Maru
47 20 5789 Arrest of indecent picture sellers
47 20 5790 Report re Chinese newspapers' office raided; Chinese party visiting Japan in connection with the National Exposition at Nagasagi; anti-Japanese movement
47 20 5791 Joint meeting of Chiefs of disciplinary training departments of local colleges and universities; local Kuomintang and the Bureau of Education to assume control over proctors and teachers of civics in local schools
47 20 5792 Y. G. Hramchenko, ex-Soviet employee, new owner of the “Astrid” pharmacy
47 20 5793 A. N. Loktin, Soviet employees
47 20 5794 Newspaper articles re Connaught Rd. bus incident
47 20 5795 Extension of Lunghwa and Hungjao aerodromes - present situation
47 20 5796 Functioning of Kuomintang agent in the settlement
47 20 5797 Birthday celebration in honour of HIM the Emperor of Japan
47 20 5798 Purchase of the Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury by the Soviet authorities
47 20 5799 Bomb throwing incident at the Hong Kong Theater, North Szechuen Road, O.O.L.
47 20 5800 Record of investigation re Zung Ping Zung re two stolen government surtax receipts
47 20 5801 Memo re Demaree C. Bess, American correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor; Executive Editor of the Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury
47 20 5802 Intelligence report re communist propaganda bearing on the “First Anniversary of the Mayar Silk Factory Incident” which occurred Apr. 11, 1934
47 20 5811 Arrest of Chinese Communist named Liei Ching Ong alias Lieu Siau Vung
47 20 5812 Movements of E. D. Lepin, Soviet military attache
47 5813 Newspaper clipping “Magazine for Watchmen To Be Published Soon”
47 20 5815 Communist circular entitled “Decisions In Connection with May Activities,” purporting to have emanated from Communist “Central”
47 20 5817 Memo & newspaper clippings re “Chungking Wants Four Councillors”
47 20 5821 Written communist posters found pasted on a telephone pole on N. Szechuen Road near Kiangwan Road on Apr. 18, 1934
47 20 5823 F. A. Doerbeek, Soviet doctor
47 20 5824 K. N. Makeeff, Soviet employee
47 20 5825 Mongolian princess, alleged espionage agent
48 20 5832 Newspaper clippings and memo re Marcus show at Carlton Theatre
48 20 5833 Memorandum on the movements of P. P. Odichin, Soviet diplomatic courier
48 5834 Letter & memorandum re Walt Carmon, American journalist
48 20 5835 Translation of an article appearing in the Slovo of May 22, 1934, entitled A. A. Vonsiatsky's lecture
48 20 5836 Anti-Huang-Fu propaganda distributed to various police stations
48 20 5837 Modern destruction corps
48 21 5838 Information re Dr. William Rosenberg, German
48 5840 Written communist poster found pasted on a wall on Sinza Road near Kiaochow Road on Apr. 24, 1934
48 21 5851 Local machine-made ice traders - dispute with the Yah Zung Company settled
48 21 5852 N. Sokoloff, Soviet employee
48 21 5854 D.S.I. Moore takes charge of Spl. Br. Reg. Rice D.S.I. on long leave, 2.5.24
48 21 5856 Local sale of aphrodisiacs
48 21 5857 K. K. Benson, Soviet employee
48 21 5858 Communist propaganda bearing on the “Anniversary of Tsinan Incident - May 3,” found in Yulin Road District on 3.5.34
48 21 5860 Japanese views re the informal statement made by a spokesman of the Japanese Foreign Office
48 5861 Further to the attached report dated 7.5.34 by D. S. Umemoto relative to communist propaganda in Japanese
48 21 5863 Newspaper articles - “Question of Extra Settlement Roads”
48 21 5864 Communist propaganda addressed to public ricksha coolies
48 21 5865 Communist propaganda bearing on the May 30 anniversary
48 21 5866 Enquiry from Dutch Consulate General re the arrival of a deportee on board the SS Tjinegara
48 21 5867 Applicants for SMP (Specials)
48 21 5874 Report re communication dated 12.2.1935 from the Persian Consulate General re S. H. Yabroff
49 21 5894 Report on the workers of the B.A.T. Company
49 21 5925 Case against Hauh Kyi charged with being a Communist
49 21 5926 Circular order No. 793 issued by Judge Feng at the request of the Shanghai Public Safety Bureau
49 21 5927 Periodical service corporation advertising for salesgirls
49 21 5929 Case against Sung Tsing Ching
49 21 5930 Murder of Cheng Fang-Shek, journalist, and of Liu Kie, his wife (No. 64 Zeu Foh Li Alley, Liu Ka Loong, Route Say Zoong)
21 5931 Translation of letter to Secretary from Bureau of Education, June 7, 1934
49 5932 Letters re the Russian Nationalist Party
49 21 5934 Robert H. Jofe alias Rivim Vulk Jofe, ex Soviet employee
49 21 5935 Miscellaneous 44/34 Gor. Rd. warrant for arrest of bus driver, 407 Wong Zang Kwei
49 21 5954 Japanese naval landing party parade, etc.
49 21 5984 Cross reference slip, Yee Tesoong Tobacco Factory, reports, November 1939
49 6127 Trial of the Communists
49 21 6152 Letter dated Sept. 25, 1934, from HBM Consulate General re letter intercepted in Singapore and two addresses in Shanghai
49 6153 Translation of extracts from French police daily intelligence report dated Oct. 26, 1934. Arrest of Communists in the French Concession: a Communist sentenced; arrest of a suspected agent of the GPU; arrest of an agent of the Chinese GPU by the SMP Police; arrest of a Communist in the French Concession.
49 21 6157 Russian daily Slovo 15th Feb. - letter to the editor - preparations from rare herbs
49 21 6161 Case against Zia Sung and two others charged with being Communists
49 21 6164 List of names of overseas Kuomintang delegates who will attend the 5th National Conference at Nanking
49 21 6165 Newspaper clippings re the Zimmerman case
49 21 6169 Report re Henry Francis Parks (American)
49 21 6170 Raids on communist bases [photographs included]
49 21 6171 Memorandum on the movements of K. Miller, Soviet diplomatic courier
49 21 6174 Newspaper clipping and memo re assassination of King Alexander
49 6176 Communist propaganda obtained in Western Chapel on Oct. 12, 1934
49 21 6177 Case against Chen Tao Sung alias Cheu Tao Sin alias Cheu Yoong charged with being a Communist
49 21 6195 Anna A. Hancock (Mrs.), proprietress of Luebbert's Pharmacy, 169 Nanking Road
49 21 6196 Translation of Hu Han Min's will. Memorial service in honour of late Mr. Hu Han Min held in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Building.
50 21 6202(C) Communication dated 21.4.41 from Secretary's office, S.M. Council, concerning M. Soulevich and V.E. Ulanoff
50 6204 Woldemar B. Novak and correspondence in NCD News signed “The Nervous Wreck”
50 21 6206 Case against Tsiang Zai Sih and Nyi Bai Oong charged with being Communists
50 21 6207 Manchuria today - agriculture
50 21 6208 Communication from Netherlands Consulate General at Hong Kong re C. D. M. Geijsen
50 6209 H. C. A. Kuhne - departure from Shanghai
50 21-22 6225 Affairs of the Industrial Bank of China - bankruptcy proceedings
50 6227 Information and activities of alleged agents of the Third International
50 6259 Murder of Mr. Sze Liang- Zay, proprietor of the “Shun Pao”
50 21 6260 Book pirating in Shanghai, infringement on copyright on “St. John's Ambulance Manual” by British women's association
50 22 6303 Gomez de la Palma, an alleged trafficker in the sale of passports
50 22 6304 Communist propaganda obtained in Western Chanpei on Nov. 26, 1944
50 22 6307 Communication from Swiss Consul General re Mrs. Ruth Driskell
50 22 6312 Movements of Japanese notables in Shanghai
50 22 6315 Arrival in Shanghai of Morton John Polygon
50 22 6318 Dr. Wilhelm Filchner actually arrived in Shanghai by the SS Conte Rosso which left Bombay on 24 Oct. 1934
50 22 6319 Attached newspaper cutting of the Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury dated Nov. 9, 1934, entitled “Red and White Fiction”
50 6320 Proceedings against Sai Mei Shu, Korean reactionary, arrested on Dec. 6, 1934
50 22 6321 Arrest of A. A. Kizlo & P.S. CBN Dimoff by Fokien auth. on charge of propagating Communism, November 1934
50 22 6324 Intelligence report - political - communist propaganda - prosecutions
50 22 6325 Comment on pro-Soviet book entitled Our Time alleged to have been published in Shanghai
50 22 6326 Contribution made by the police to the strength of the defence forces of the foreign settlements
50 22 6327 Communist propaganda bearing on the 7th anniversary of the Canton uprising (11.12.34) found in Louza, Pootoo Road and Gordon Road districts
50 22 6331 Communication concerning S. T. Radosteff
50 22 6335 R. J. Weatherhead, suspected agent of Komintern, and Eddie Buchanan
50 22 6336 Information from Japanese Consulate re Yang Ch'Un, Chinese student in Japan
50 22 6338 Prevention of influx of bad characters into Shanghai - registration of foreigners in Manchoukuo
50 22 6339 American Returned Students' Association of Shanghai
50 22 6340 Report re Professor Zandor
50 22 6343 Memorandum on the movements of Karl Pedrikson, Soviet diplomatic courier
50 22 6344 Katherine Mayo and her husband Paul arrive in Shanghai
50 22 6346 Arrival of Soviet citizen Mr. Raphael Zeltser
50 22 6353 I. W. Ross enquiry from Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co.
50 6354 Chinese National Government Award Medals to members of SMP
50 22 6355 The murder of Stam and his wife
50 6357 SMP descriptions and antecedents re Howard, H. P.; Hamilton, S. A. (Mrs); Hill, Robert; Hausing, Walter; Husens, Ch. Shel; Harrison-Brown, G.; Herman, A.V.; Hornak, M. (N.); and Horlbert, V.
50 22 6377 Communist propaganda obtained in Western Chapel on Dec. 29, 1934
50 22 6378 Communication dated Dec. 24, 1934, from Austrian Consulate General, Tokyo, re Mrs. L. Adamek-Pehterewa
50 22 6379 Japanese naval landing party - annual parade and inspection
50 22 6380 Letter dated Dec. 31, 1934, from the Netherlands Consulate General re Lin Wen-Tsin, a Japanese protege of Formosan extraction
50 22 6381 Lists of principal Chinese officials in Shanghai [File missing from paper records]
50 22 6382 Enquiry from Canadian Trade Commissioner's Office respecting present whereabouts of Gordon Fraser
50 22 6383 Ban on “Hula Hula dance,” the song “Dau Hua Kiang,” and the drama “Ba Sz Doong” by Bureau of Education
50 22 6384 Movements of Reginald Stuart Buchan
50 22 6386 Activities du parti Communiste Chinois
50 22 6390 New office of Italian commercial counsellor opened
50 22 6391 Yannaoulatos, Emmanuel, Consul General for Greece in China [File missing from paper records]
50 6392 [File missing from paper records.]
50 22 6393 Librairie D'Extreme-Orient, No. 55A Nanking Road
50 22 6394 Newspaper clipping re obituary of Mrs. R. Audouard
50 22 6395 Translation of article appearing in “Novosty Dnia” of 31.12.34
50 22 6398 Case against four Communists arrested in Hongkew District during the night of Jan. 7/8, 1935
50 6400 China's Red Army marches
50 6401 Intelligence report - Third International to convene Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Congress in Shanghai - unconfirmed report
50 22 6402 Arrest by the Manila police of Philippine and Chinese Communists on board a Soviet ship
50 6403 Further information from local Japanese Consulate re Hiroshi Itzuka alias Sanji Matsu alias Kiyoshi Takita alias Masao Kashiwagi, a Japanese Communist, arrested by Nagasaki police
50 22 6405 Memo re Amid Musin, possession of a false passport
50 22 6407 Report on two Chinese deportees from Japan named Zung Dao Kwei and Zung Dao Tsing
50 22 6410 Departure of M. M. Meyrier, French Consul General, 12.1.35
50 22 6411 Report re Soviet newspaper Izvestia
50 22 6412 Newspaper article “Foreigners on Houseboat in Pirate Attack”
50 22 6413 Enquiry re F. Scott
50 22 6415 Letter, dated Jan. 28, 1935, from the British Consulate General re a communist suspect named Ong Gian Un, a student of the Fu Tan High School, Kiangwan [File missing from paper records]
50 22 6416 Report re M. J. Sladkovsky, Soviet employee
50 22 6418 Report re A. M. Zaslavsky, Soviet merchant
50 6419 Release of Sai Mei Shi alias K. Nomura by the Japanese consular police
50 22 6422 Reference the endorsement of D.C. (Special Branch) on the report dated Jan. 16, 1935, re Aaron Landau alias Adolf Landau
50 22 6425 Report on the activities of Lemcke
50 22 6426 L. Gemborek, Soviet diplomatic courier
50 22 6428 Copy of the newspaper articles re “Japan Flooded with Red Propaganda,” “Japanese Communists Arrested in Tokyo between May and July 1935”
50 22 6431 Letter re Achilles George Dandria, drugs trafficker
50 22 6435 Proceedings against Boku Yei Ko, Korean
50 22 6449 Labour movement by Japanese authorities and Waung Ching-Wei clique
50 22 6451 Summarized translation of three copies of communist handbills which were obtained by the Municipal Police on Jan. 28, 1935
50 22 6453 Communication from the Brazilian Consulate General dated 29.1.35, re Joseph Shurlevitch Katz
50 22 6454 Case against two Communists arrested at No. 978 Tonquin Road on Jan. 30, 1935
50 22 6456 Political affairs of the Japanese community
50 22 6457 Russian emigres organizations in Shanghai and Harbin
50 22 6459 Brothel (foreign) in the Western District
51 22 6460Mrs. A. F. Bologovsky alias Totsky, alleged agent of the Third International
51 22 6463Extract from Fortune dated January 1935 entitled “The Shanghai Boom”
51 22 6466Deportation of Kim Jin Tai, alias Kim Toh, alias Kim Sho I, Korean radical suspect
51 22 6469Land in Pootung belonging to Chinese Eastern Railway - transfer of ownership
51 6472I. E. Tretiakoff, Soviet employee
51 22 6473Newspaper report re the stoning of a girl rider by Chinese villagers on Great Western Road
51 22 6474Activities of A. S. Rybin, suspected Soviet agent [File missing from paper records]
51 22 6476V. Heger - communication from HBM Consulate General dated Nov. 26, 1937
51 [?] Arrest of V. Heigel in Tokyo
51 22 6477Trade unions in Shanghai to which workers of the settlement belong
51 22 6478Parti Communiste Chinois. Emplois des Communiste repentis. Repport 680/2. DU 24/12/34
51 22 6479Communist propaganda - work of Youth Communist International (Comosol)
51 6480Communication dated Jan. 5, 1935, from HBM Consulate General relating to International Publishers Company
51 6483Communication from HBM Consulate General on the subject of Mrs. Frieda Devine
51 22 6485Pro-communist and anti-imperialist propaganda in Gurmukhi seized by the French police
51 22 6486Memorandum on movements of E. Sharapoff, Soviet diplomatic courier
51 22 6487Conference on Far Eastern groups of Turko-Tatar separatist movement in the U.S.S.R.
51 22 6494Case against Mrs. Rosa Brodskaya [Microfilm; list of known and/or suspected foreign criminals, January 1935]
51 22 6495Communication from American consular service re V. V. Tatischeff
51 22 6496Alleged secret mission to Japan of Yamel Aref Malas, Assyrian, French protege, on behalf of the Egyptian Government
51 22 6497Zung Bah Sih, c/o Zung Ka Sieu, 2nd floor, 2nd portion of house No. 11, Koong Shu Ts Dz Ka, behind the park, Nanchang, China, known to be in touch with communist centers in the South Seas
22 6498Recognition of Manchukuo by the Grand Duke Cyril and the activities of Col. C. Tominaga
51 6499Arrival of A. Zotoff, Soviet journalist
51 22 6500Arrest of Choung Siao-Mei - a case of mistaken identity
51 6566Case of M. V. Davidoff, deserter from Soviet SS Sever
22 6577Ri Mei Gyoku, alias Ro Ko Fuku, Korean radical; murders of local Koreans
51 22 6577AFormation of a new “Korean Residents' Association in Shanghai” (pro-Japanese)
51 22 6578Mrs. V. Livanoff alias Victoria Seou alias Mrs. E. V. P. Toll - present activities
51 22 6579List of the committee members of the Russian Philatelic Society in China
51 22 6580“A Nightmare Comes True” anti-Nazi booklet distributed in the settlement and French Concession. Communist pamphlet in German distributed through the post to non-Nazi members of the German community. Anti-Hitler literature.
51 22 6581“Citizens Life” a publication issued jointly by the Educational Association and the General Labour Union
51 23 6599Communication re North China Garage suspends business
52 6600Case against Waung Maung Nung and Wong Tse Ping charged with being Communists
52 23 6601Newspaper clipping from the North China Daily News, Sunday, Mar. 24, 1935, entitled “Road to Shanghai”
52 23 6602Communist handbills found pasted on wall in Yulin Road and Yangtszepoo Districts on Mar. 24 and 25, 1935
52 23 6603Kwang Sung Hong toilet articles factory agitation by discharged workers
52 23 6604Enquiries re whereabouts of Li Ying-Feng
52 23 6605Shanghai Benevolent & Industrial Institution - students suspend studies
52 23 6606Execution of SSD Court search warrant No. 8814 issued by Judge Feng at the request of the Bureau of Public Safety. Assistance to Chinese authorities.
52 23 6607Information received concerning transport company known as Zung Kyi Transportation Hong, 365 Kiukiang Road, was accepting letters for delivery in outposts
52 6608D. Nikos Kazantzaki posing as a representative of a Greek paper Akropoliti.
52 23 6609Passage of 30 armed policemen of Public Safety Bureau through settlement on 27.3.35.
52 23 6611Memorandum on R. C. D'Aquino
52 23 6612Memorandum on H. J. Connolly
52 23 6613Bomb found in garden of No. 183 Yates Road
52 23 6614Communication re Tokyo bans Fortune, prohibited photographs printed in American magazine
52 23 6615Ernst Schuster - return to Shanghai
52 23 6617Arrival of Soviet citizen Mr. N. I. Kovtunenko
52 23 6618Enquiry re a Korean, Dr. Sung Yong Lee
52 23 6619List of Japanese political and semi-political organizations in Shanghai
52 23 6619AList of Korean political and semi-political organizations in Shanghai
52 23 6620Struggle for control of banks
52 23 6621Enquiries re Miss Julia F. Clement
52 23 6622Community tabloid ceases publication
52 23 6623Judgement against Ri Toku Sei, alias Ri Set Yuh, Korean
52 23 6624Newspaper articles concerning “Story of Flying Dutchman, Caught in Japanese Toils, Told by Robin”
52 23 6625Memorial meeting for the anniversary of the execution of 72 victims of the Kwanghung uprising
52 23 6627Letter received by Municipal Police disclosing addresses of alleged Communists at 414 Garden Bridge and Elgin Road and 87A Range Road
52 23 6629V. L. Nogovikoff, applicant to carry arms
52 23 6676Arrival of F. Kliawa, Soviet diplomatic courier
52 23 6677The clash between the Chinese and the French police on Route De Zikawei
52 6678Newspaper articles re “Police Absolved in Tragic Accident - Death of Mr. N. G. MacDonald”
52 23 6680Remarks of Registrar as to the powers of SMP, French police and Public Safety Bureau in the arrest of British subjects
52 23 66811. “Anti-Air Raid Research Society” 2. “Shanghai Municipality Air Defence Society” 3. “Shanghai Air Defence Monthly”
52 23 6682Indecent literature on sale at the Sin Wen Hwa Bookstore, No. 268 Foochow Road
52 23 6687World Council of Youth Pacific Area Council
52 23 6689Communication dated Apr. 29, 1935, from the Netherlands Consulate General re Mrs. S. D. Vasilevskaia nee Di Silla
52 23 6693Communication dated Apr. 29, 1935, from the Netherlands Consulate General re Russian ballet dancers
52 23 6695Memo re P. A. Alfonsi, professes to be able to furnish secret and valuable political information
52 23 6696Newspaper clipping entitled “Two Russians Sentenced For Watch Theft.” Memo - armed robbery at Messrs. Sennet Freres Jewelry Shop on May 15, 1935. Report on activities of Maurice (Morris) Bro.
52 23 6698Meeting of Shanghai Japanese Real Estate Owners' Federation
52 23 6699Newspaper clipping “Mysterious Arrest of Young Briton”
52 23 6700Newspaper clipping entitled “Mysterious Arrest of Young Briton - Earl of Rosse's Heir Held By Chinese in Kansu - 'Trumped Up Charge of Petty Theft.' Flying Dutchman crew freed. Foreigners held at Formosa.”
52 23 6702The Russian Sportsman's Society, “Sokol”
52 23 6703Arrival of M. O. Koteneff in Shanghai
52 23 6704List of articles received by the SMP found at No. 1986 Avenue Joffre which were left by Joseph Walden alias Dr. Makims
52 6704APlot to liberate Walden from prison in Hankow
52 6704/1Joseph Walden - court proceedings
52 6704/2Identity and associates
52 6704/3SMP correspondence and instructions
52 6704/4Typed copies of exhibits appearing in Walden documents dossier
52 6704/5Typed copies of exhibits appearing in Walden documents dossier (cont)
52 6704/6Comparison of typewritten documents - typewriters used
52 6704/7Miscellaneous reports, of no great significance at present
53 6704/8Press clippings and miscellaneous reports
53 6705List of publications banned in the Netherlands Indies
53 23 6709Newspaper articles re “Mr. C. H. Green fined $20 - Subject to the Applicability of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, to British Subject”
53 23 6710List of Chinese bookstores in International Settlement
53 23 6711Recruiting of policemen and detectives by the French police
53 23 6712Report on N. V. Morozoff, Russian
53 23 6713Arrival of Chao Pan-Fu, Chinese Government delegate to the International Labour Conference, at Shanghai
53 23 6714Proceedings of arrest of four Chinese Communists in Yulin Road District on May 13 and 15, 1935
53 23 6716Communication dated Feb. 10, 1936, from the HBM Consulate General concerning P. B. Silin, ex-warder No. 16 of the Shanghai Municipal Goal
53 23 6718Arrival of General G. I. Klerge
53 23 6720Two male foreigners Michael Abranovich and Hassein arrested in assassination of King Alexander
53 23 6721Arrival of P. E. Sidoroff, Soviet diplomatic official
53 6722Report on A. E. Edwards alias A. E. Sinkvitch
53 23 6725Anti-government and communist slogans
53 23 6728Newspaper article “Chinese Say Frenchtown Officials Opposed to Local Medical Center.” Biography of Dr. Yen Fu Ching and his connection with the provision of a site for the Rockefeller Foundation.
53 23 6730Arrival of V. Kiriloff, Soviet diplomatic official
53 23 6731G. P. Larin - allegations re connections with Soviet authorities declared unfounded
53 23 6736Enquiries concerning Wiera Lutowicz, a Polish citizen
53 23 6737Enquiries concerning the arrival of Karl Lausa at Shanghai aboard the SS Shwe Maru
53 23 6738Movements of L. I. Boreiko, Soviet diplomatic official
53 23 6742Anonymous letter re alleged Communist residing in 20/299 Seymour Road
53 23 6743F. Chestakovsky, Soviet diplomatic courier
53 23 6744Arrival of P. Saratovtseff, Soviet diplomatic official
53 23 6748The closing of the American-Oriental Banking Corporation
54 23 6777Letter from Mrs. Edith Gleeson of 165 Berkley St., Carlton N. 3, Melbourne, Australia, on the subject of her dead sister's son, Douglas Reg. Parkin
54 6778Weekly return from Aug. 16 to 22 inclusive, complaints in the press about the Shanghai Municipal Police, completed by Special Branch in accordance with Headquarters' Circular No. 167
54 23 6779Local cultural circles to commemorate the death of Loo Sing, the late prominent left wing writer
54 23 6781Arrival of J. V. Gaidul, Soviet citizen
54 23 6782Arrival of M. P. Jukoff, Soviet citizen
54 23 6792The National Economic Council of the National Government
54 23 6794Reported attempt to establish branch of Propaganda Bureau in Shanghai
54 23 6795Report re W. F. Carman or Carmon
54 23 6803Application for writ of detention of Chin Yieh Zung and Ts Yau Kung. Application for a writ of detention of Ning Foo Ting.
23 6804Joe Lanzet, Panamanian
23 6807Newspaper Office Workers' Union reorganization ordered by local Tangpu
54 23 6808Anti-Japanese handbill issued by the Shanghai branch of the Chinese People's Armed Self Defence Committee
54 23-256813Report re application by Franz Eder (German), 1206 Bubbling Well Road, for permission to operate a radio broadcasting station, from 1935-1941.
54 6813(A)File from 1937-1941
55 6813(B)File from 1937-1941
55 6813(C)File from 1938-1940
55 6813(D)File from 1935-1941
56 6813(E)File from 1939-1941
56 6813(F)File from 1938-1941
56 25 6816Communication concerning applicants for appointment for the Shanghai Municipal Police
56 25 6839Anti-Japanese literature - police action re book stores in settlement - communication from HBM Consul General
56 25 6860Manchukuo trade representatives
56 25 6863Newspaper clippings: “Who's Who In China”
56 25 6864Arrest of thirty-one Communists on behalf of the Chinese authorities
56 25 6871Report on strike at Union Brewery, Ltd., (British), 130 I Chang Road
56 25 6871(C) Report on strike at Union Brewery, Ltd., (British), 130 I Chang Road (cont)
56 25 6876Publication of an article in the Voice of New China entitled “Shanghai Ratepayers Annual Meeting” slandering the British and the Shanghai Municipal Council. Voice of New China - open letter to the Shanghai American community et al. Chinese Commercial Publishing House, Shanghai agent for the Voice of New China. Communication concerning an anti-British pamphlet received. Enquiry re The China Outlook. China Outlook - anti-British publication by W. L. K. Kentwell. L. K. Kentwell's publication The China Outlook. The China Outlook, an English language weekly.
56 25 6914E. M. Duke - Soviet citizen, moved out of the Cathy Hotel - leaving behind unpaid bills
56 25 6954Letter from HBM Consulate General re Malayan Communists
56 6957Delivery of speeches by Dr. Ichinov Shibata, Grand Abbot of the Nichiren Sect
56 6959Copy of newspaper clipping “Darien Police Take Market Tipster - Secret Radio Set Said Operated by Aides in Shanghai.” Report - departure of three Japanese arrested for violation of the Japanese Wireless Act.
56 25 6961Information requested by the Japanese consular police re Frank Geiringer, Austrian
56 25 6964“Far Eastern Observer,” anti-Jewish publication
56 6968Report on China Printing & Finishing Co., Pootung - strike May 1939
56 25 6968AReport on China Printing & Finishing Co., Pootung - strike May 1939 (cont)
56 25 6981Report re 4th District Cleaners' Union Factory inspected by foreigner posing as Council representative the Sino-Japanese Trading Association.
d_files.1709915941.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.03.08 08:39 by musasabi